Hi everybody,
I have a problem with Q26CL702 module of a customer in France.
Every time he tries to send an sms (the application use the function adl_smssend) the reply is -8.
Module and SIM card are initializated and registered. In fact the +wind:16 unsolicited is received and using at+cmgs command the sms are sent.
SMS are received correctly, calls are made and received. Just the sms sent with the adl function don’t work…
I send another device and it doesn’t work. But the first one was returned and here works.
We have also other customer in France (and many other in different countries) which don’t complain.
He’s using FREE and ORANGE FR operator.
Has someone experienced this problem?
Here is the configuration of the module…
“DWL”,“V08b13”,"",“Sierra Wireless”,55344,“111611 18:03”,“dda36757”,“00010000”
“FW”,“FW_SRC_747_8_F4_3.Q2687G”,“R7.47.4.201208311102.Q26CL702”,“Sierra Wireless”,2221264,“083112 11:02”,“6aa633a2”,“00020000”
“OAT”,“05.01.20141211155159”,“xxxx”,“xxxx”,613624,“121114 15:52”,“080d3f55”,“00260000”
-“Developer Studio”,“”
-“Open AT Application Framework package”,“”
-“Open AT OS Package”,“”
-“Firmware Package”,“”
-“ExtendedATApplication Library Package”,“”
-“Internet Library Package”,“”