adl_fcmSendData dont work!


I want to send messages from tcp socket to uart and vice versa.
uart to tcp works perfect… Once tcp to uart works, but when i disconnect external application and then set it listening mode again, then modem connecting to external app succesfully. tcp messages which from coming external application is getting succesfuly but it dont send uart port.
The code is like thats…

TCP1_DataHandler( DataLen, *Data, id )
if ( Data != NULL )
r = adl_fcmSendData( uart1_handle, Data, DataLen );

its returning ADL_FCM_EVENT_MEM_RELEASE and dont sending.
What is the problem?

Thank you,

Best Regards

I solved…
When app received ED_INFO_WAITING_FOR_DATA then called adl_fcmSubscribe(…) function. I just check it was before called or not. I supply it only once call. its working perfect now…

Best Regards