fcm_sendData do not send nothing


I’ m trying to connect fastrack M1306B (firmware 6.57, open At 3.23 , wip Plug-In) with a device through RS232 interface

This device has one memory and when it receives a particular command it gives the memory data , then fastrack send this data over TCP socket.

My application when the Fastrack is torn ON the first time send to the server an initialization string and after wip_close(client) , wip_bearerStop(gprs) , when I receive WIP_BEV_STOPPED event I close wip_bearer
through wip_bearerClose(gprs).

After some second I SubScribe UART1 :
FCM_Handle = adl_fcmSubscribe(ADL_FCM_FLOW_V24_UART1,FcmCtrlHandler,FcmDataHandler); when I receive ADL_FCM_EVENT_FLOW_OPENNED event I execute adl_fcmSwitchV24State(FCM_Handle,ADL_FCM_V24_STATE_DATA);
and when I receive ADL_FCM_EVENT_V24_DATA_MODE I send on the UART1 the reading command on the device trough adl_fcmSendData (FCM_Handle,ComandoINI,10);

The problem is that on the device I do not receive nothing ,
if I connect the modem to the PC I can see this command on the HyperTerminal but if I close hyperTerminal and open a Serial Monitor written in Vb.NET i do not read nothing.

The situation changes when the Fastrack is torn ON and I directly SubScribe UART1 .
In this way on the device I receive the reading command and when the modem receives the memory data send this to the server.
In order to test my application if I connect the modem to the PC I can see the reading command on the HyperTerminal or on the Serial Monitor written in Vb.NET

sorry the open AT is 3.12 and not 3.23