
i want to read data VIA I2C from PIC. i have used extstorage_iic.c application and it is working fine,reading and write data on PIC… Now i want to use extstorage_iic.c in my own program ,so that whenever i need to read/write on PIC ,just a function is called .
so for that i thought of using adl_atCmdCreate api,and copy handler same as it was in extstorage_iic.c . i found that it doesnt enter into handler . then i subscribe command “at+read” ,but same result .
is adl_atCmdCreate is for built in AT command not for customs based commands
guide me how can i use extstorage_iic.c in my program…
thanking you in anticipation.

adl_atCmdCreate(	"at+READ=1,4",
							NULL );

No, you cannot use “custom” AT commands from your own application - this is clearly documented.

But, as you have the source code, there really is no point - you can just call the appropriate functions directly!

See: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3936&p=15464&hilit=custom#p15445

Then y this is not working it actually doesnt go into handler "es_READ_CmdHandler "
plz check and let me know

/*  Appli.c   -  Copyright Wavecom S.A. (c) 2002										    */
/*																							*/
/*																							*/
/* DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY																    */
/* ======================																    */
/* This Software is provided free of charge on an 'as is' basis. No warranty is given       */
/* by Wavecom S.A. in relation to the Software of the uses to which it may be put by you,   */
/* the user, or its merchantability, fitness or suitability for any particular purpose      */
/* or conditions; and/or that the use of the Software and all documentation relating        */
/* thereto by the Licensee will not infringe any third party copyright or other             */
/* intellectual property rights. Wavecom S.A. shall furthermore be under no obligation      */
/* to provide support of any nature for the Software and the Documentation.				    */
/*																						    */
/* LIMIT OF LIABILITY																	    */
/* ==================																		*/
/* In no event shall Wavecom S.A. be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever or howsoever	*/
/* caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with this licence, the Software,		*/
/* its use or otherwise except to the extent that such liability may not be lawfully		*/
/* excluded. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, Wavecom S.A. expressly		*/
/* excludes liability for indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage		*/
/* which may arise in respect of the Software or its use, or in respect of other equipment	*/
/* or property, or for loss of profit, business, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings.	*/
/*																						    */

/*  File       : Appli.c                                                   */
/*  Object     : Customer application                                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  contents   : Customer main procedures                                  */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Change     :                                                           */
    $LogWavecom: G:\projet\mmi\pvcsarch\archives\open-mmi\SAMPLES\adl\New_Project\src\appli.c-arc $
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Date     | Author | Revision       | Description
 * ----------+--------+----------------+-------------------------------------
 *  25.10.05 | DPO    | 1.1            | * New V4 interface
 * ----------+--------+----------------+-------------------------------------
 *  16.12.02 | dpo    | 1.0            | Initial revision.
 * ----------+--------+----------------+-------------------------------------

#include "adl_global.h"
#include "drv_m24cxx.h"

/*  Mandatory variables                                                    */
/*  wm_apmCustomStackSize                                                  */
const u16 wm_apmCustomStackSize = 1024*3;
const u32 wm_apmIRQLowLevelStackSize  = 1024;
const u32 wm_apmIRQHighLevelStackSize = 1024;

/*  Local variables                                                        */

static const ascii * ES_STR_READ_CMD  = "at+READ";
static const ascii * ES_STR_WRITE_CMD = "at+WRITE";

// Used I2C E2P chip
#define USED_E2P_I2C_CHIP   DRV_I2C_E2P_M24C64

// MAX data length
#define MAX_DATA_LENGTH 128

// Max address sizes
static const u32 ChipMaxSizes = DRV_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_READ_MAX_LENGTH(USED_E2P_I2C_CHIP);
// Max write sizes
static const u32 ChipMaxWriteSizes = DRV_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_WRITE_MAX_LENGTH;

adl_busAccess_t *I2CBus_Access;

// Read buffer
drv_Read_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t *ReadBuff;
// Write buffer
drv_Write_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t *WriteBuff;
// Asynchronous Reading Context
AsyncReadCtxt_t * AsyncReadCtxt;

// IIC Bus Driver Handle
// Is asynchrnous reading result awaited ?
bool AsyncReadRes;
// low level IRQ Handle for asynchronous bus mode
s32 appBusLowIrqHandle;
// High level IRQ Handle for asynchronous bus mode
s32 appBusHighIrqHandle;

// mode : synchronous by default
static u16 mode = 1;

// Trace level
u8 drv_TraceLevel;

/*  Local functions                                                        */

/*  Function   : es_READ_CmdHandler                                        */
/*  Objet      : External Storage read command                             */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  paras             |   |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
void es_READ_CmdHandler ( adl_atCmdPreParser_t *paras )
    u8 sReturn = ADL_STR_OK;
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "Parameters error " ));

    // Switch on CmdType
        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_TEST :
            // Possible values
            ascii result[100];
            wm_sprintf ( result, "\r\n%s: (0-%X),(1-%d)\r\n",
                                 ES_STR_READ_CMD + 2,
                                 ChipMaxSizes - 1,
                                 MAX_DATA_LENGTH - 1 );
            adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), result );

        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA :
            ascii * P0 = ADL_GET_PARAM ( paras, 0 ),
                  * P1 = ADL_GET_PARAM ( paras, 1 );

            // Get Byte length
            u16 ByteLength = P1 ? wm_atoi ( P1 ) : 1;

            if ( ByteLength >= MAX_DATA_LENGTH )
                TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "Parameters error " ));
                sReturn = ADL_STR_ERROR;
                if (ReadBuff)
                    adl_memRelease ( ReadBuff );
                if (AsyncReadCtxt)
                    adl_memRelease ( AsyncReadCtxt );

                ReadBuff = adl_memGet ( sizeof ( drv_Read_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t ) + ByteLength );
                AsyncReadCtxt = adl_memGet ( sizeof ( AsyncReadCtxt_t ) );
                ReadBuff->Length = ByteLength ? ByteLength : 1;
                ReadBuff->Address = P0 ? wm_hexatoi ( P0 , wm_strlen ( P0 ) ) % ChipMaxSizes : 0;
                AsyncReadCtxt->ByteLength = ByteLength ? ByteLength : 1;
                AsyncReadCtxt->Port = paras->Port;

                if (!mode)
                    // in asynchronous mode
                    // set global variable to get reading result in high irq handler
                    AsyncReadRes = TRUE;

                // Read from driver
                if ( !drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Read ( ReadBuff, AsyncReadCtxt ) )
                    // if mode is synchronous reading result is synchronously available
                    if (mode)
                        // Build response string
                        ascii * StrResult = adl_memGet ( ByteLength * 2 + 30 );
                        // I2C chip: 4 digits address
                        wm_sprintf ( StrResult, "\r\n%s: %.4X,\"", ES_STR_READ_CMD + 2, ReadBuff->Address );
                        wm_ibuftohexa ( StrResult + wm_strlen ( StrResult ), ReadBuff->Data, ByteLength );
                        wm_strcat ( StrResult, "\"\r\n" );
                        adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), StrResult );
                        adl_memRelease ( StrResult );
                        adl_memRelease ( ReadBuff );
                    if (!mode)
                        // in asynchronous mode
                        // reset global variable since reading failed
                        AsyncReadRes = FALSE;
    adl_atSendStdResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), sReturn );

/*  Function   : es_WRITE_CmdHandler                                       */
/*  Objet      : External Storage write command                            */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  paras             |   |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
void es_WRITE_CmdHandler ( adl_atCmdPreParser_t *paras )
    u8 sReturn = ADL_STR_OK;
    // Switch on CmdType
        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_TEST :
            // Possible values
            ascii result[100];
            int MaxWriteSizes = ChipMaxWriteSizes * 2 ;
            wm_sprintf ( result, "\r\n%s: (0-%X),(1-%d)\r\n",
                                 ES_STR_WRITE_CMD + 2,
                                 ChipMaxSizes - 1,
                                 MaxWriteSizes );
            adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), result );

        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA :
            ascii * P0 = ADL_GET_PARAM ( paras, 0 );
            ascii * P1 = ADL_GET_PARAM ( paras, 1 );

            u16 DataLength = wm_strlen ( P1 ) / 2;
            // Fill write buffer
            WriteBuff = adl_memGet ( sizeof ( drv_Write_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t ) + DataLength );

            WriteBuff->Address = wm_hexatoi ( P0 , wm_strlen ( P0 ) ) % ChipMaxSizes;

            WriteBuff->Length  =   DataLength ?
                                 ( DataLength > ChipMaxWriteSizes ?
                                   ChipMaxWriteSizes :
                                   DataLength ) :
            wm_hexatoibuf ( WriteBuff->Data, P1 );

            if ( ( P1 == NULL )
                || ( WriteBuff->Length < 1 )
                || ( WriteBuff->Length > MAX_DATA_LENGTH ) )
                TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "Parameters error " ));
                sReturn = ADL_STR_ERROR;
                // Write from driver
                if ( !drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Write ( WriteBuff ) )
                    // All is OK, nothing to do
            adl_memRelease ( WriteBuff );
    adl_atSendStdResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), sReturn );

/*  Function   : busLowIrqHandler                                          */
/*  Objet      : IRQ low level handler for Bus asynchronous operation      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  Source            | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
/*  NotificationLevel | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
/*  Data              | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
bool busLowIrqHandler(adl_irqID_e Source, adl_irqNotificationLevel_e NotificationLevel,
                                          adl_irqEventData_t *Data)
    adl_busAsyncInfo_t *info = (adl_busAsyncInfo_t*)Data->SourceData;
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "Low level Bus handler" ));
    // Check result
    if (info->Result!=OK)
        TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "Wrong result : %d (expected %d)", info->Result, OK));
    return TRUE;

/*  Function   : busHighIrqHandler                                         */
/*  Objet      : IRQ high level handler for Bus asynchronous operation     */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  Source            | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
/*  NotificationLevel | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
/*  Data              | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
bool busHighIrqHandler(adl_irqID_e Source, adl_irqNotificationLevel_e NotificationLevel,
                                           adl_irqEventData_t *Data)
    AsyncReadCtxt = (AsyncReadCtxt_t*)Data->Context;

    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "High level Bus handler" ));

    if (AsyncReadRes)
        // asynchronous reading result is awaited and now availble
        // Build response string
        ascii * StrResult = adl_memGet ( AsyncReadCtxt->ByteLength * 2 + 30 );
        // I2C chip: 4 digits address
        wm_sprintf ( StrResult, "\r\n%s: %.4X,\"", "at+READ" + 2, ReadBuff->Address );
        wm_ibuftohexa ( StrResult + wm_strlen ( StrResult ), ReadBuff->Data, AsyncReadCtxt->ByteLength );
        wm_strcat ( StrResult, "\"\r\n" );
        adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( AsyncReadCtxt->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), StrResult );
        adl_memRelease ( StrResult );
        // reset variable
        AsyncReadRes = FALSE;

    return FALSE;

/*  Function   : drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Init                                   */
/*  Object     : Subscribe to the peripheral IIC bus                       */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
u32 drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Init ( void )
    u32 length = 16;

    adl_busI2CSettings_t I2CSettings =
    	0x50>>1,                  // ChipAddress
        ADL_BUS_I2C_CLK_STD     // Clk_Speed

    /* Open I2C bus */
    DRV_HANDLE = adl_busSubscribe ( ADL_BUS_I2C,
                                    &I2CSettings );

    // Initialize IRQ for asynchronous bus mode test
    appBusLowIrqHandle  = adl_irqSubscribe ( busLowIrqHandler, ADL_IRQ_NOTIFY_LOW_LEVEL,
                                             ADL_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOW_LEVEL,  ADL_IRQ_OPTION_AUTO_READ  );
    appBusHighIrqHandle = adl_irqSubscribe ( busHighIrqHandler,ADL_IRQ_NOTIFY_HIGH_LEVEL,
                                             ADL_IRQ_PRIORITY_HIGH_LEVEL, ADL_IRQ_OPTION_AUTO_READ  );

    adl_busIOCtl(DRV_HANDLE, ADL_BUS_CMD_SET_ADD_SIZE, &length);

    return DRV_HANDLE;

/*  Function   : drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Close                                  */
/*  Object     : Unsubscribe to the peripheral IIC bus                     */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
void drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Close ( void )
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "M24CXX Driver unsubscription" ));

    /* Close I2C bus */
    adl_busUnsubscribe ( DRV_HANDLE );


// Bus access structure compute function
static adl_busAccess_t * drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_ComputeBusAccess ( u32 Address )
    // Compute Bus Access structure from provided opcode & address
    static adl_busAccess_t iicBus_Access = { 0, 0 };
    u8 AddressMax = 32;
    u8 length = 16;

    // Check if address is required
    if ( Address != 0xFFFF )
        // Set address
        iicBus_Access.Address = Address << ( AddressMax - length );
        // Reset address
        length = iicBus_Access.Address = 0;

    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "[M24CXX Driver] compute access (address : %x (length %d))", iicBus_Access.Address, length ));

    // Return structure
    return &iicBus_Access;

/*  Function   : drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Read                                   */
/*  Object     : Read on the the peripheral IIC bus                        */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  pRead             | x |   |   | Reading buffer                         */
/*  AsyncReadCtxt     | x |   |   | Asynchronous Reading Context           */
/*  sRet              | x |   |   | Reading result OK / ERRROR             */
u32 drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Read ( drv_Read_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t * pRead,
                              AsyncReadCtxt_t * AsyncReadCtxt )
    u32 sRet;
    ReadBuff = pRead;
    I2CBus_Access = drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_ComputeBusAccess ( ReadBuff->Address );

    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "M24CXX Driver read" ));

    /* I2C bus read */
    sRet = adl_busReadExt ( DRV_HANDLE,
                  AsyncReadCtxt );

    return sRet;

/*  Function   : drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Write                                  */
/*  Object     : Write on the the peripheral IIC bus                       */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  pWrite            | x |   |   | Writing buffer                         */
/*  sRet              | x |   |   | Writing result OK / ERRROR             */
u32 drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Write ( drv_Write_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t * pWrite )
    u32 sRet;
    WriteBuff = pWrite;
    I2CBus_Access = drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_ComputeBusAccess ( WriteBuff->Address );

    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "M24CXX Driver write" ));
    DUMP ( drv_TraceLevel, WriteBuff->Data, WriteBuff->Length );

    /* I2C bus write */
    sRet = adl_busWrite ( DRV_HANDLE,
                   WriteBuff->Data );
    return sRet;

void I2c_read()
	 TRACE (( 5, "Readng : Issuing at+READ: Cmd..."));
		adl_atCmdCreate(	"at+READ=1,4",
							NULL );


/*  Function   : adl_main                                                  */
/*  Object     : Customer application initialisation                       */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  InitType          |   |   |   |  Application start mode reason         */
void adl_main ( adl_InitType_e InitType )
    TRACE (( 1, "Embedded Application : Main" ));
    if ( drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Init() )
            TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "External Memory driver subscribed" ));
            TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "at+SETMODE=X : 0 for Asynchronous mode OR 1 for Synchronous mode " ));

          //  adl_atCmdSubscribe ( (ascii *)ES_STR_READ_CMD,  es_READ_CmdHandler,  ADL_CMD_TYPE_TEST | ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA | 0x22 );
            // Subscribe to READ/WRITE/SET MODE commands

    TRACE (( 1, "Embedded Application : end" ));

    // TO DO : Add your initialization code here

Did you actually read awneil’s comment?

adl_atCmdCreate(   "at+READ=1,4",
                     NULL );