I2C error -2 adl_busRead/adl_busWrite (Q2687G)

I want to I2C bus of Wavecom Fastrack Supreme (Q2687G, R74_00-cus-q26-01_.wpk ) module to communicate with a sensors. Software is Open AT Software Suite v2.30 (M2M Studio 1.0, Application OS 6.30) (with site wavecom.com/modules/movie/sc … ck_Supreme).
I using example “ExternalStorage_IIC” from library.
Then, I try to send test data to the slave device by using adl_busWrite() function or get data by using adl_busRead() function. But, it will return error code: -2 (ADL_RET_ERR_PARAM), I checked my parameters and can not figure out the error. Can anyone help me with this problem?
The below is my log and test code:

Start I2C

/*  ext_storage_iic.c   -  Copyright Wavecom S.A. (c) 2004                                  */

/*  File       : ext_storage_iic.c                                         */
/*  Object     : Customer application                                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  contents   : ADL External Storage Sample                               */
/*                                                                         */
    $LogWavecom: U:\projet\mmi\pvcsarch\archives\open-at\SAMPLES\adl\External_Storage\src\ext_storage.c-arc $
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Date     | Author | Revision       | Description
 * ----------+--------+----------------+-------------------------------------
 *  19.12.05 | DPO    | 1.1            | *   Resolution for 31871: External 
 *           |        |                | storage sample update              
 * ----------+--------+----------------+-------------------------------------
 *  24.08.04 | DPO    | 1.0            | Initial revision.                  
 * ----------+--------+----------------+-------------------------------------

/* includes */
#include "adl_global.h"
#include "drv_m24cxx.h"

/*  Mandatory variables                                                    */
/*  wm_apmCustomStackSize                                                  */
const u16 wm_apmCustomStackSize = 1024;
const u32 wm_apmIRQLowLevelStackSize  = 1024;
const u32 wm_apmIRQHighLevelStackSize = 1024;

/* consts */
// Commands string
static const ascii * ES_STR_READ_CMD  = "at+READ";
static const ascii * ES_STR_WRITE_CMD = "at+WRITE";
static const ascii * ES_SET_MODE = "at+SETMODE";

// Used I2C E2P chip
#define USED_E2P_I2C_CHIP   DRV_I2C_E2P_M24C64

// MAX data length
#define MAX_DATA_LENGTH 128

// Max address sizes
static const u32 ChipMaxSizes = DRV_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_READ_MAX_LENGTH(USED_E2P_I2C_CHIP);
// Max write sizes
static const u32 ChipMaxWriteSizes = DRV_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_WRITE_MAX_LENGTH;

adl_busAccess_t *I2CBus_Access;

// Read buffer
drv_Read_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t *ReadBuff; 
// Write buffer
drv_Write_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t *WriteBuff;
// Asynchronous Reading Context
AsyncReadCtxt_t * AsyncReadCtxt;

// IIC Bus Driver Handle
// Is asynchrnous reading result awaited ?
bool AsyncReadRes;
// low level IRQ Handle for asynchronous bus mode
s32 appBusLowIrqHandle;
// High level IRQ Handle for asynchronous bus mode
s32 appBusHighIrqHandle;

// mode : synchronous by default
static u16 mode = 1;
// Trace level
u8 drv_TraceLevel;

/*  Function   : es_SETMODE_CmdHandler                                     */
/*  Objet      : Change mode between Synchronous and Asynchronous using    */
/*               properly ADL_BUS_CMD_SET_ASYNC_MODE                       */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  paras             |   |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
void es_SETMODE_CmdHandler ( adl_atCmdPreParser_t *paras )
    u8 sReturn = ADL_STR_OK;
    s32 retval;
    adl_busEvt_t  busEvt;
    adl_busEvt_t  Param;
    // Switch on CmdType
        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_READ :
            // Possible values
            ascii result[100];
            if (!mode)
                wm_sprintf ( result, "\r\n %d : Mode is asynchronous\r\n", mode );
                TRACE ((drv_TraceLevel, "Asynchronous mode is set"));
                wm_sprintf ( result, "\r\n %d : Mode is synchronous\r\n", mode );
                TRACE ((drv_TraceLevel, "Synchronous mode is set"));
            adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), result );

        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_TEST :
            sReturn = ADL_STR_ERROR;

        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA :
            ascii * P0 = ADL_GET_PARAM ( paras, 0 );            
            mode = wm_atoi(P0);
            if (mode == 0)
                busEvt.LowLevelIrqHandle  = appBusLowIrqHandle;
                busEvt.HighLevelIrqHandle = appBusHighIrqHandle;
                // Set asynchronous mode
                retval = adl_busIOCtl ( DRV_HANDLE,
                                        &busEvt );
                if (retval < 0)
                    TRACE ((drv_TraceLevel, "Setting asynchronous mode failed : %d", retval));
                    sReturn = ADL_STR_ERROR;
                    // Check if asynchronous mode is set
                    retval = adl_busIOCtl ( DRV_HANDLE, 
                                            &Param );
                    if ( (retval < 0)
                      || (Param.LowLevelIrqHandle != appBusLowIrqHandle)
                      || (Param.HighLevelIrqHandle != appBusHighIrqHandle) )
                        TRACE ((drv_TraceLevel, "Getting asynchronous mode failed : %d (handles %d,%d)", retval, Param.LowLevelIrqHandle, Param.HighLevelIrqHandle));
                        sReturn = ADL_STR_ERROR;
                        TRACE ((drv_TraceLevel, "Asynchronous mode is correctly set"));
            else if (mode == 1)
                busEvt.LowLevelIrqHandle  = 0;
                busEvt.HighLevelIrqHandle = 0;
                // Set synchronous mode
                retval = adl_busIOCtl ( DRV_HANDLE,
                                        &busEvt );

                if (retval < 0)
                    TRACE ((drv_TraceLevel, "Setting synchronous mode failed : %d", retval));
                    sReturn = ADL_STR_ERROR;
                    // Check if synchronous mode is set
                    retval = adl_busIOCtl ( DRV_HANDLE, 
                                            &Param );
                    if ( (retval < 0)
                      || (Param.LowLevelIrqHandle != 0)
                      || (Param.HighLevelIrqHandle != 0) )
                        TRACE ((drv_TraceLevel, "Getting synchronous mode failed : %d (handles %d,%d)", retval, Param.LowLevelIrqHandle, Param.HighLevelIrqHandle));
                        sReturn = ADL_STR_ERROR;
                        TRACE ((drv_TraceLevel, "Synchronous mode is correctly set"));
    adl_atSendStdResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), sReturn );

/*  Function   : es_READ_CmdHandler                                        */
/*  Objet      : External Storage read command                             */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  paras             |   |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
void es_READ_CmdHandler ( adl_atCmdPreParser_t *paras )
    u8 sReturn = ADL_STR_OK;

    // Switch on CmdType
        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_TEST :
            // Possible values
            ascii result[100];
            wm_sprintf ( result, "\r\n%s: (0-%X),(1-%d)\r\n",
                                 ES_STR_READ_CMD + 2,
                                 ChipMaxSizes - 1,
                                 MAX_DATA_LENGTH - 1 );
            adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), result );
        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA :
            ascii * P0 = ADL_GET_PARAM ( paras, 0 ),
                  * P1 = ADL_GET_PARAM ( paras, 1 );
            // Get Byte length
            u16 ByteLength = P1 ? wm_atoi ( P1 ) : 1;

            if ( ByteLength >= MAX_DATA_LENGTH )
                TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "Parameters error " ));
                sReturn = ADL_STR_ERROR;
                if (ReadBuff)
                    adl_memRelease ( ReadBuff );
                if (AsyncReadCtxt)
                    adl_memRelease ( AsyncReadCtxt );
                ReadBuff = adl_memGet ( sizeof ( drv_Read_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t ) + ByteLength );
                AsyncReadCtxt = adl_memGet ( sizeof ( AsyncReadCtxt_t ) );
                ReadBuff->Length = ByteLength ? ByteLength : 1;
                ReadBuff->Address = P0 ? wm_hexatoi ( P0 , wm_strlen ( P0 ) ) % ChipMaxSizes : 0;
                AsyncReadCtxt->ByteLength = ByteLength ? ByteLength : 1;
                AsyncReadCtxt->Port = paras->Port;

                if (!mode)
                    // in asynchronous mode
                    // set global variable to get reading result in high irq handler
                    AsyncReadRes = TRUE;

                // Read from driver
                if ( !drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Read ( ReadBuff, AsyncReadCtxt ) )
                    // if mode is synchronous reading result is synchronously available
                    if (mode)
                        // Build response string
                        ascii * StrResult = adl_memGet ( ByteLength * 2 + 30 );
                        // I2C chip: 4 digits address
                        wm_sprintf ( StrResult, "\r\n%s: %.4X,\"", ES_STR_READ_CMD + 2, ReadBuff->Address );
                        wm_ibuftohexa ( StrResult + wm_strlen ( StrResult ), ReadBuff->Data, ByteLength );
                        wm_strcat ( StrResult, "\"\r\n" );
                        adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), StrResult );
                        adl_memRelease ( StrResult );
                        adl_memRelease ( ReadBuff );
                    if (!mode)
                        // in asynchronous mode
                        // reset global variable since reading failed
                        AsyncReadRes = FALSE;
    adl_atSendStdResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), sReturn );

/*  Function   : es_WRITE_CmdHandler                                       */
/*  Objet      : External Storage write command                            */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  paras             |   |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
void es_WRITE_CmdHandler ( adl_atCmdPreParser_t *paras )
    u8 sReturn = ADL_STR_OK;
    // Switch on CmdType
        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_TEST :
            // Possible values
            ascii result[100];
            int MaxWriteSizes = ChipMaxWriteSizes * 2 ;
            wm_sprintf ( result, "\r\n%s: (0-%X),(1-%d)\r\n",
                                 ES_STR_WRITE_CMD + 2,
                                 ChipMaxSizes - 1,
                                 MaxWriteSizes );
            adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), result );
        case ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA :
            ascii * P0 = ADL_GET_PARAM ( paras, 0 );
            ascii * P1 = ADL_GET_PARAM ( paras, 1 );

            u16 DataLength = wm_strlen ( P1 ) / 2;
            // Fill write buffer
            WriteBuff = adl_memGet ( sizeof ( drv_Write_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t ) + DataLength );

            WriteBuff->Address = wm_hexatoi ( P0 , wm_strlen ( P0 ) ) % ChipMaxSizes;

            WriteBuff->Length  =   DataLength ? 
                                 ( DataLength > ChipMaxWriteSizes ?
                                   ChipMaxWriteSizes :
                                   DataLength ) :
            wm_hexatoibuf ( WriteBuff->Data, P1 );
            if ( ( P1 == NULL ) 
                || ( WriteBuff->Length < 1 ) 
                || ( WriteBuff->Length > MAX_DATA_LENGTH ) )
                TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "Parameters error " ));
                sReturn = ADL_STR_ERROR;
                // Write from driver
                if ( !drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Write ( WriteBuff ) )
                    // All is OK, nothing to do
            adl_memRelease ( WriteBuff );
    adl_atSendStdResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( paras->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), sReturn );

/*  Function   : busLowIrqHandler                                          */
/*  Objet      : IRQ low level handler for Bus asynchronous operation      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  Source            | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
/*  NotificationLevel | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
/*  Data              | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
bool busLowIrqHandler(adl_irqID_e Source, adl_irqNotificationLevel_e NotificationLevel,
                                          adl_irqEventData_t *Data)
    adl_busAsyncInfo_t *info = (adl_busAsyncInfo_t*)Data->SourceData;
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "Low level Bus handler" ));
    // Check result
    if (info->Result!=OK)
        TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "Wrong result : %d (expected %d)", info->Result, OK));
    return TRUE;

/*  Function   : busHighIrqHandler                                         */
/*  Objet      : IRQ high level handler for Bus asynchronous operation     */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  Source            | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
/*  NotificationLevel | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
/*  Data              | X |   |   |  holding command parameter             */
bool busHighIrqHandler(adl_irqID_e Source, adl_irqNotificationLevel_e NotificationLevel,
                                           adl_irqEventData_t *Data)
    AsyncReadCtxt = (AsyncReadCtxt_t*)Data->Context;
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "High level Bus handler" ));
    if (AsyncReadRes)
        // asynchronous reading result is awaited and now availble
        // Build response string
        ascii * StrResult = adl_memGet ( AsyncReadCtxt->ByteLength * 2 + 30 );
        // I2C chip: 4 digits address
        wm_sprintf ( StrResult, "\r\n%s: %.4X,\"", "at+READ" + 2, ReadBuff->Address );
        wm_ibuftohexa ( StrResult + wm_strlen ( StrResult ), ReadBuff->Data, AsyncReadCtxt->ByteLength );
        wm_strcat ( StrResult, "\"\r\n" );
        adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE ( AsyncReadCtxt->Port, ADL_AT_RSP ), StrResult );
        adl_memRelease ( StrResult );
        // reset variable
        AsyncReadRes = FALSE;
    return FALSE;

/*  Function   : drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Init                                   */
/*  Object     : Subscribe to the peripheral IIC bus                       */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
u32 drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Init ( void )
    u32 length = 16;
    adl_busI2CSettings_t I2CSettings =
        0x50,                   // ChipAddress
        ADL_BUS_I2C_CLK_STD     // Clk_Speed 
    /* Open I2C bus */
    DRV_HANDLE = adl_busSubscribe ( ADL_BUS_I2C,
                                    &I2CSettings );
    // Initialize IRQ for asynchronous bus mode test
    appBusLowIrqHandle  = adl_irqSubscribe ( busLowIrqHandler, ADL_IRQ_NOTIFY_LOW_LEVEL,  
                                             ADL_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOW_LEVEL,  ADL_IRQ_OPTION_AUTO_READ  );
    appBusHighIrqHandle = adl_irqSubscribe ( busHighIrqHandler,ADL_IRQ_NOTIFY_HIGH_LEVEL, 
                                             ADL_IRQ_PRIORITY_HIGH_LEVEL, ADL_IRQ_OPTION_AUTO_READ  );
    adl_busIOCtl(DRV_HANDLE, ADL_BUS_CMD_SET_ADD_SIZE, &length); 
    return DRV_HANDLE; 

/*  Function   : drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Close                                  */
/*  Object     : Unsubscribe to the peripheral IIC bus                     */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
void drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Close ( void )
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "M24CXX Driver unsubscription" ));
    /* Close I2C bus */
    adl_busUnsubscribe ( DRV_HANDLE );


// Bus access structure compute function
static adl_busAccess_t * drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_ComputeBusAccess ( u32 Address )
    // Compute Bus Access structure from provided opcode & address
    static adl_busAccess_t iicBus_Access = { 0, 0 };
    u8 AddressMax = 32;
    u8 length = 16;
    // Check if address is required
    if ( Address != 0xFFFF )
        // Set address
        iicBus_Access.Address = Address << ( AddressMax - length );
        // Reset address
        length = iicBus_Access.Address = 0;
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "[M24CXX Driver] compute access (address : %x (length %d))", iicBus_Access.Address, length ));
    // Return structure
    return &iicBus_Access;

/*  Function   : drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Read                                   */
/*  Object     : Read on the the peripheral IIC bus                        */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  pRead             | x |   |   | Reading buffer                         */
/*  AsyncReadCtxt     | x |   |   | Asynchronous Reading Context           */
/*  sRet              | x |   |   | Reading result OK / ERRROR             */
u32 drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Read ( drv_Read_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t * pRead, 
                              AsyncReadCtxt_t * AsyncReadCtxt )
    u32 sRet;
    ReadBuff = pRead;
    I2CBus_Access = drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_ComputeBusAccess ( ReadBuff->Address );
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "M24CXX Driver read" ));

    /* I2C bus read */
    sRet = adl_busReadExt ( DRV_HANDLE,
                  AsyncReadCtxt );

    return sRet;

/*  Function   : drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Write                                  */
/*  Object     : Write on the the peripheral IIC bus                       */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  pWrite            | x |   |   | Writing buffer                         */
/*  sRet              | x |   |   | Writing result OK / ERRROR             */
u32 drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Write ( drv_Write_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_t * pWrite )
    u32 sRet;
    WriteBuff = pWrite;
    I2CBus_Access = drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_ComputeBusAccess ( WriteBuff->Address );
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "M24CXX Driver write" ));
    DUMP ( drv_TraceLevel, WriteBuff->Data, WriteBuff->Length );
    /* I2C bus write */
    sRet = adl_busWrite ( DRV_HANDLE,
                   WriteBuff->Data );
    return sRet;

/*  Function   : adl_main                                                  */
/*  Objet      : Customer ADL application initialisation                   */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Return     :                                                           */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Variable Name     |IN |OUT|GLB|  Utilisation                           */
/*  adlInitType       |   |   |   |  Application starting mode             */
void adl_main(adl_InitType_e adlInitType)
    drv_TraceLevel = 2;
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "External Storage sample init" ));
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, __DATE__ ));
    TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, __TIME__ ));
    // Init external memory driver
    if ( drv_I2C_E2P_M24CXX_Init() )
        TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "External Memory driver subscribed" ));
        TRACE (( drv_TraceLevel, "at+SETMODE=X : 0 for Asynchronous mode OR 1 for Synchronous mode " ));
        // Subscribe to READ/WRITE/SET MODE commands
        adl_atCmdSubscribe ( (ascii *)ES_STR_READ_CMD,  es_READ_CmdHandler,  ADL_CMD_TYPE_TEST | ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA | 0x22 );
        adl_atCmdSubscribe ( (ascii *)ES_STR_WRITE_CMD, es_WRITE_CmdHandler, ADL_CMD_TYPE_TEST | ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA | 0x22 );
        adl_atCmdSubscribe ( (ascii *)ES_SET_MODE, es_SETMODE_CmdHandler, ADL_CMD_TYPE_TEST | ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA | ADL_CMD_TYPE_READ | 0x11 );

just to ask the obvious;
did you add the pull-up resistors to the sda and scl lines? (maximum voltage on the bus should be 3v3)

Are you sure :question:

Shouldn’t that be 2V8 (or 3V2 absolute maximum) :question:

Sorry; that’s the 2V8 GPIO Type - the Open-Drain pins (SDA, SCL) are 3V3 tolerant. :blush:

But do be aware that most GPIOs are the 2V8 Type and are, therefore, not 3V3 tolerant…

I use Q2687G and OS r74. My software dont write and read jn the I2C bus

WR = adl_busWrite (TMP_I2C_HANDLE, &I2C_Config,2,WR_buf);

return -2

adl_busAccess_t I2C_Config =
{ 0,
0 // No Opcode, No Address

adl_busI2CSettings_t I2C_TMP275_CONFIG =
ADL_BUS_I2C_CLK_STD//, // Chip uses the I2C standard clock speed


I test sample from opaenAT ExternalStorage_IIC and it return -2 if i call adl_busWrite or adl_busRead

Are you sure you have the correct pullups?

Does your bus subscription succeed? (ie, is TMP_I2C_HANDLE valid?)

It is probably wrong chip address. It has to be shifted left before use. For example if your slave’s address is 0x18 you have to set it as (0x18 << 1) which is 0x30.

I’ve just been getting IIC running for the first time and come across the -2 ADL_RET_ERR_PARAM error, and the solution to it has not been well documented in the forum.

You get this error if:

  1. you have a code problem - ie an incorrect parameter as the error description suggests.

  2. if the IIC transaction does not complete.

So you may have the correct parameters, but if the chip is not connected, or the pullups aren’t fitted etc, you will see this error.

I agree that this is a virtually useless error code.


Even in the case when there is an actual parameter error, it is entirely unhelpful in that it gives no indication as to which parameter was in error - nor how it was in error.


And, as you say, in the specific case of I2C, it is (or can be) a lie - and hides some specifc conditions which should be explicitly reported.

