adl_atCmdCreate bug. Receiving the same string

I found strange behaviour of adl_atCmdCreate command.

I’m using q2686, openat 4.20, os 6.62.

I needed to acquire gsm level, so I made 10 sec cyclic timer and in the body of the cycle I put this command:
adl_atCmdCreate(“at+csq”, FALSE, (adl_atRspHandler_t) CsqHdl, “*”, NULL);

This command worked until I decided to check how it changes depending on the state of antenna. So I removed the antenna and I’ve got the level of 99,99. It seemed OK but after I reconnected the antenna this level stayed the same. I checked it manually with at+csq and it showed that the level is ok, something like +CSQ: 21,0. So adl_atCmdCreate began to generate the same line +CSQ: 99,99, not regarding the real level…

After another couple of experiments I found that the response for this command can stuck without disconnecting the antenna and it can stuck periodically and even permanently.

Does anybody have solution for this problem?

The bug is still here by I found a workaround.

At the every start of application I run the command at+cced=1,8,1 and subscribe for +csq unsolicited string. Handler for +csq parses data and I get precise information about GSM signal level.