Image if I want the dial command to finish in let’s say maximum one minute, can I after that time abort the dial safely (+++ and/or ATH seem to lock the module forever in this situation)? Or do I need to wait until the command is finished? And what is the maximum execution time of ATD?
In some corner cases, ATD seems to never respond:
09:20:54 Send: ‘ATD99*1#’
09:20:54 Recv: 'ATD99***1#’
09:21:07 Recv: ‘+CREG: 0’
The only solution I currently have, is reboot the complete system…
How do I trigger this behavior? On the reception of a +CREG: 1 unsolicited, I’ll react by opening a PPP connection. On reception of +CREG: different from 1, I’ll abort the PPP connection.
By removing and re-attaching the antenna, I 'm testing this behavior, but sometimes I see ATD never response and seems to lock the HL module
Please make sure +CGREG:1 before starting the PPP connection.
And I suggest contacting your Sierra Wireless sales/technical support person for more support.