i untar Legato-Dist-Source-mdm9x28-SWI9X07Y_02.18.06.00.tar.bz2
and trying to compile yocto for wp76
what’s wrong here? Please help to find out!!!
ruslans@ruslans-VirtualBox /work/work/legato/yocto $ make image_bin
Makefile:55: “Legato: build disabled since ‘/work/work/legato/yocto/legato/’ does not exist”
“meta-swi/build.sh” -p poky/ -o meta-openembedded/ -l meta-swi -x “kernel/.git” -j 9 -t 9 -a “LK_REPO=”/work/work/legato/yocto/lk"" -m swi-mdm9x28 -P wp -b build_bin -q
Poky dir: /work/work/legato/yocto/poky
OE meta: /work/work/legato/yocto/meta-openembedded
SWI meta dir: /work/work/legato/yocto/meta-swi
Linux repo dir: /work/work/legato/yocto/kernel/.git
Number of make threads 9
Number of bitbake tasks 9
Extra options added - LK_REPO=/work/work/legato/yocto/lk
SWI machine: swi-mdm9x28
SWI product: wp
Build dir: /work/work/legato/yocto/build_bin
Enable Qualcomm Proprietary bin
Shell environment set up for builds.
You can now run 'bitbake ’
Common targets are:
You can also run generated qemu images with a command like ‘runqemu qemux86’
Error: bash is not set as default provider for /bin/sh
build is not guaranteed to work, aborting
Makefile:247: recipe for target ‘image_bin’ failed
make: *** [image_bin] Error 1
ruslans@ruslans-VirtualBox /work/work/legato/yocto $
ERROR: android-signing-native-1.0-r1 do_fetch: Function failed: base_do_fetch
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /work/work/legato/yocto/build_bin/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/android-signing-native/1.0-r1/temp/log.do_fetch.15273
ERROR: Task (/work/work/legato/yocto/meta-swi/meta-swi-mdm9xxx/recipes-bsp/android-signing/android-signing-native.bb:do_fetch) failed with exit code ‘1’
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 262 tasks of which 0 didn’t need to be rerun and 1 failed.
Summary: 1 task failed:
Summary: There were 14 WARNING messages shown.
Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
Makefile:247: recipe for target ‘image_bin’ failed
make: *** [image_bin] Error 1
ruslans@ruslans-VirtualBox /work/work/legato/yocto $