XR60 not working after factory reset


We have purchased a Sierra Wireless XR60 router and it has stopped working.
It was working for 1 day, the firmware was updated to version 5.0.86 and some configuration tests were done.
The next day, we were able to connect to it, but when we performed a factory reset to restore all the settings, we could no longer connect.

We have tried configuring our computer via DHCP but the XR60 gives us an IP within the range of 169.254.71.xx.
If, on the other hand, we configure our computer with a static IP of type, we cannot connect to the XR60 either.

The LEDs are in this state:
The Power Led is Fixed and green.
The Cellular Led is Fixed and yellow.
The Wifi Led is flashing and green.

It also does not respond to ping.

Thank you

Hi @daniel.mihai.toma,

Welcome to our community!



Now we could finally do a proper factory reset (before we did only 15 seconds), and we could recover the connection with the router.
