Just trying to update FW to support Legato 16 at
source.sierrawireless.com/resour … reupgrade/
Following instructions
[code]Choose your customer configuration:
WP8548 SKU Configuration Windows EXE Binaries
Generic(legacy) 1102621 001.005_000 download download
Generic 1102816 001.002_000 download download
The AT commands AT!ENTERCND=“A710” followed by AT!SKU? will provide your SKU number. If your SKU is not listed, please contact your FAE. - See more at:
Both of my WP85’s respond
SKU: 9101011
PRI Part Number: 5501011
Revision: 01.13
Carrier PRI: 9999999_9904559_SWI9X15Y_07.05.01.00_00_GENERIC_001.013_000
Any ideas?
Kind regards
Hi John,
what result gives you:
If you look at the filenames of the 2 customer configurations,
there is one config for the PRI number 9904889 and the other one for 9905383.
Maybe one of the PRI number matches with yours.
I have the same problem. When I look at upgrade instruction for 15.10 release my SKU was listed.
PRI Part Number: 5501011 (SKU 9101011 v001.013_000)
PRI Part Number: 9904889 (SKU 1102621 v001.000_000)
But for 16.01 this SKU has been replaced with a new one.
How should we upgrade SKU 9101011?
I have upgraded my original post adding the AT!PRIID? response - but this doesn’t help
Anyone at Sierra got an answer?
I got info from my FAE that there will be no customer configuration for this SKU. But it is possible to use release 16.01 anyway. Just upgrade with the carrier configuration. It will work. There might be some limitation due to lack of customer PRI but so far everything is working on my side after the upgrade.
The URL (source.sierrawireless.com/resour … reupgrade/) has been updated with support for SKU 9101011.
That URL no longer works - just gives the ‘Not Found’ page.
What is the correct URL now