working with MC7710

are there any AT command for this modem?
if so - how can I enter him
when I connect him I see he have only 1 channel
and this is what I get


when I connect it to the Mini Card Dev Board
this is is info

Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Model: MC7710
Revision: SWI9200X_03.05.24.000

but he won’t connect
if I do debug he give me
CME Error 30: no network connection

the SIM is good and working

Thanks ,

The channel which is opened is NMEA port and you are seeing NMEA frames.
Go to My Computer -> Manage -> Device Manager -> Ports/Modem. Check all ports are enumerated? If it is detecting as Modem then right click on Sierra Wireless Modem -> properties -> Modem, you can find the port number. If not then you have to install proper drivers for your module.

Does your module in QMI mode or Direct IP?
Do you want to check GPS status or want to communicate with the module through AT port?

You can download the AT command manual for this module from Developer zone ( . developer zone -> resources -> product -> MC7710.

sorry for the late late response
I have download new firmware
Direct IP - SWI9200M_3.5-Release7-SWI9200X_03.05.23.02

I’m using a linux base system and I’m want to communicate with the module through AT port
When I connect another modem (MC8790V) - he show me he have 7\4 channels\ports I can work with them
so when I enter channel 2 it’s the AT command , and channel 3 is the data

here when I connect the MC7710 , he show me only 1 channel
is there any whey to “open” more channels to the modem ?
how can I connect the modem that way

Thanks ,