wm_strSwitch function

I read that wm_strSwitch function compares different strings, but could these strings be parameters?, that is to say:
test_a= “match”;
result=wm_strSwitch(test, test_a, test_b, NULL);

or should I write: result=wm_strSwitch(test, “match”, “point”, NULL)?

In the other hand, is there any limited number of parameters which I can compare to?
result= wm_strSwitch (test, test_a, test_b, test_c, test_d,…, NULL)

Is there another way to make it easier?
Thanks a lot!

Easier? That depends entirely on what you want to do.

As for number of arguments to wm_strSwitch it should only be limited by stack size. I’m not quite sure how vararg is normally implemented by compilers.

If the function does not fit your needs you can simple do it for your own…

I had to do similar for an ‘universal’ UNSO-Routine…


enum {
	ue_WVMI =0,//  0 voice mail indicator
	ue_WDCI,	//  1 wavecom diverted call indicator
	ue_WBCI,	//  2 battery charge indicator
	ue_WDIA,	//  3 wavecom diagnose
	ue_WIND,	//  4 general indications
	ue_RING,	//  5 ringing
	ue_CLIP,	//  6 calling line identification
	ue_CREG,	//  7 network registration state
	ue_CNMI,	//  8 new msg indicator
	ue_CBMI,	//  9 new msg
	ue_CBM,		// 10 new msg
	ue_CDSI,	// 11 sms status report
	ue_CDS,		// 12 sms status report
	ue_CCWA,	// 13 call waiting
	ue_CCCM,	// 14 advice of charge
	ue_CSSU,	// 15 supplementary service notification
	ue_CRIN,	// 16 CRing

	ue_count	// 17 dummy; insert BEFORE this
} Unso_e;

const ascii *UnSoStrings[ue_count][6] = { "+WVMI",
										  "+CRIN" };

and a search in the list is simply done by a loop…

for (msg_id=0; msg_id<ue_count; msg_id++)
		if ( strncmp(str2searchfor, (char*)UnSoStrings[msg_id], 5) == 0 )

	// act on incoming UnSoMessage
	switch ( msg_id ) {
