My project used a WISMO218 module.
When i turn on, module responsed:
*PSSTK: “SETUP MENU”,1,4,“Super SIM”,0,0,1,0,0,10
then, i send “AT” CTRL+Z command to WISMO218 in main uart. it do not response “OK”.
it send back “AT”.
i don’t understand.
please help me, thanks
Thank for your help.
I send sms message.
- when power on, i pull ON/OFF pin down GND in 1 sec. After, pull it up.
- then, send AT command config module:
- AT //Autobaudrate
- ATE0 //Echo off
- AT+IFC=0,0 //No flow control if you use 2 wire mode
- AT+CMGF=1 //Test mode
send CR character(dec: 13, hex: 0D) after every command.
3.I send message:
- AT+CMGS=“phone number”
- send CR
module response: >
- send your msg.
- send CTRL_Z
sms is send.
I have a other problem. I unable receive the sms.
i try to config AT+CNMI = 1,1,0,0,0 and send sms. But any msg is received.
please help me.
Ok. My WISMO218 received sms.
My sim memory was full.
Hello Dear friend
are you connected RTS , CTS , DTR ,DSR also?