Hello Everyone,
A quick information note to update you all on the last FW release of WISMO(L 22) .
Concerning the new features added, we have the 4 major ones:
1.TCP/IP: WISMO218 now supports TCP/IP AT Commands set, including TCP sockets, UDP sockets, PING service.
2.GPRS dial up connection: WISMO is now able to launch the PPP negotiation for GPRS Dial-up connection after the ATD99 command by initiating the first LCP frame. In the LCP frame, WISMO doesn’t need any more to escape characters by supporting the ACCM field value of 0x00000000.
3.New Message Indication +CNMI: An additional mode has been added to AT+CNMI command allowing to forward SMS unsolicited result codes to the Terminal Equipment by using the inband technique of inserting a break signal in the serial line. For more information, please refer to AT+CNMI command in the AT Commands guide.
4.GPRS Class: WISMO is now able to define its GPRS Multislot Class to perform power saving. For more information, please refer to AT+WGPRS command in the AT Commands guide.