Why GobiNet driver need to re-installed after PC reboot

Sorry for misunderstand.
I said Ubuntu has no problem means there is no error out when I execute these commands. My test platform is Ubuntu. So I need your test result to see if any step or other environment issue in my side.

  1. change “int iIPAlias=0;” in GobiUSBNet.c .
  2. recompile and install your GobiNet driver.
  3. “sudo rmmod GobiNet” to remove current loaded GobiNet which is the old one.
  4. when module (with AT!NETNUM set to 2) plugged in, new GobiNet driver will be loaded.
  5. you can check “cat /sys/module/GobiNet/parameters/iIPAlias” which should be zero
  6. “gobi-0-0” is seen in ifconfig

I tried above on SierraLinuxQMIdriversS2.38N2.59 with Ubuntu18.04.

It works!!
Thank you !!