Hi, we are using EM7455 in our embedded Linux project. We are using AT commands to control and query the module.
Can we configure the module to use a static IP address instead of using DHCP? If so, what AT command to use to configure the static IP and mask, and the gateway IP?
Can we configure static ipv6 address, mask and gateway IP as well? If so, what AT command to use?
How to query the module for the gateway IP address when using DHCP mode?
Sorry I don’t get what you mean by ‘this depends on your SIM card which has to give out static IP’. Do you mean it is the SIM card that has the static IP address stored in it, and that it is assigning the static IP address to the module when the PDP connection is established?
Or is the static IP address something that my Linux OS can program to the module? If so, how?
AT+CGPADDR=1 only returns the module IP address, not the gateway address.
Here is what I see after my cell interface is up. My EM7455 is eth3.
Yes, i think so with the following:
it is the SIM card that has the static IP address stored in it, and that it is assigning the static IP address to the module when the PDP connection is established?
If the SIM is configured to have static IP address, then the network will assign static IP address to the SIM. It is an account setting. The modem will just use the IP that is assigned to the SIM (static or dynamic). You can use AT!SCACT=1 to start a data connection, and use AT+CGCONTRDP to read the assigned IP details and assign them to you host interface or simply run dhclient for that network interface (eth3, I think, from your comment above).
You can calculate the subnet mask. This probably is a static IP sim for which the service provided would have assigned a gateway. Please check with the service provider. From the modem side, we cannot say if IP is dynamic or static.
So what we do populate into the OS routing table? I do see an IP address close to the module IP. Wondering what it is. That address is not responding to ping.