I am trying to put the WP module (tried WP7502, WP7504, WP7603, WP7607, WP8548, all not working) into idle mode with USB suspended (so that, power consumption can come to a few mA, product spec of WP series claim it can down to 4mA or so with USB suspended). But it doesn’t work on all the WP modules I tested.
I do have success on all HL modules (HL7549, HL7648, HL7688, HL7692, etc) and the current consmption go dead low and keep stable.
So I presume my test set up is ok. (Actually, nothing but just have the USB connected to my Ubunto PC and necessary and correct power supply goes to the module, seriesly conntact to an amp-meter.
So any one can help and tell what is missed and differences between WP and HL? Is the AP inside the WP doing something unknown to me (just use stocked WP module without any custom Legato App downloaded there)?
My Ubunto command lines to put the PC’s USB to suspend:
~$ udevadm info -q path -n /dev/ttyUSB0
(to check which USB port the module is attached, below assume 1-1)
~$ echo “0” | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/power/autosuspend
(put USB bus to auto suspend)
-$ echo “auto” | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/power/level
(activate USB auto suspend, wait for a few seconds and USB will go suspend)
-$cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/power/runtime_status
(check the USB is really go suspend, if so, with echo back with “suspended”, which it does)