Unable to Upgrade the firmware of RC7620-1 using Airvantage


I am not able to click on the Upgrade Firmware options in Airvantage monitor page.
How to upgrade the firmware of RC7620_1 through Airvantage?
Please help.

i don’t see problem:

Ok, but still I am not able to see the firmware which I need to select.

Can you help?

I saw your “Last Comm” field is still empty.
Have you typed AT+WDSS=1,1 to connect to the Airvantage server?

we had programmed our devices when our IOT device sends data to our server then its run AT+WDSS=1,1 so the modem also can connect with Airvantage server, sometime it takes some time.

I think now the modem is connected to the Airvantage server, but still showing No match found in selection area.

Actually, This RC modem having SWI9X07H_00.08.07.00 0ce4c1 jenkins 2021/03/17 02:18:20 firmware and we are facing some issue and we observed that the RC modem with SWI9X07H_00.03.03.00 2bb7a4 jenkins 2020/04/15 07:57:29 is working fine in our devices.

That’s why I am trying to downgrade the firmware over the air, can you help me with that?

Instead of using airvantage, Can your host mcu download the spk file to download firmware locally?

I think changing modem firmware through Airvantage is more suitable in our devices.

Now I can see the firmware list, I don’t know why I can’t do the same earlier. also, I think the modem has taken the firmware.