Tx pwr -- EM7455

Hello All,

when doing an at!gstatus? on em7455 the Tx pwr shown is always –
have no idea what this indicates. possible do to not being registered no tx pwr is allowed?

Current Time: 245 Temperature: 26
Reset Counter: 1 Mode: ONLINE
System mode: LTE PS state: Not attached
LTE band: B13 LTE bw: 10 MHz
LTE Rx chan: 5230 LTE Tx chan: 4294967295
EMM state: Deregistered Limited Service
RRC state: RRC Idle
IMS reg state: No Srv

PCC RxM RSSI: -67 RSRP (dBm): -95
PCC RxD RSSI: -65 RSRP (dBm): -95
Tx Power: – TAC: CF04 (52996)
RSRQ (dB): -10.4 Cell ID: 032B7001 (53178369)
SINR (dB): 4.0

you can insert a SIM card and type AT!GSTATUS? when it tries to register network or AT+CFUN=0/1