I developed on tcp_client application using open AT suite. And now i able to connect my Server and client,and able to transfer data from server to client, but i can’t able to send data from client to server, because the client side(modem) is getting input only in command modem, So i want to know how to switch to data mode.
+WIND: 1
[GPRS]: start: -> CONNECTING
[GPRS]: GPRS CTX (cid=1) found
[GPRS]: GPRS EVENT SETUP OK (cid=1): GPRS activate
[GPRS]: GPRS CTX (cid=1) found
[GPRS]: GPRS EVENT: 27 (cid=1)
[GPRS]: GPRS CTX (cid=1) found
[GPRS]: GPRS: -> CONNECTED evh_bearer cfg_gprs.c Entry Point
[SAMPLE]: connecting to client ***.***.***.***…
[WIP] new TCPCLIENT 0x180c70d4 After TCP Client evh
case value 2
[SAMPLE] Connection established successfully evh
case value 6
[SAMPLE] Can send more data
[SAMPLE] Everything has been sent, won’t send more. evh
case value 5
[SAMPLE] Some data arrived
[SAMPLE] Wrote 21 bytes of data from network to rcv_buffer. 10219 bytes remain available in rcv_buffer
yes i developed a tcp_client using developer studio sample application under wip.Through that i can able to transfer data from server running in my pc to modem and seen through…Console window(using wipdebug)
ya absolutely, now i can able switch to data mode with the help of your example, now i want to get that data from which function i can get data from hyper-terminal.
I would honestly suggest that Open-AT is not an appropriate place for a novice to start.
And internet (TCP/IP) is not a novice project on any platform.
I really think you would be much better to spend time learning to program on a PC.
‘C’ is a very widely-used and long-established programming language - there’s a vast wealth of books, sites, and training courses available to help you to learn the language; eg,
The following lists some books & training providers focussed on embedded programming - they are not all specific to Keil: keil.com/books/ keil.com/events/links.asp
Now i stored the data coming from UART in buffer(snd_buffer), now i want to send that buffer value to server through wip_write. but i doesn’t goto WIP_CEV_WRITE case in static void evh( wip_event_t *ev, void *ctx) function.