Sudden discontinuation of GPS coordinates upon restart

I know it takes time to get initialised but I have been waiting for like an half an hour or so! This isnt the first time though Im experiencing this with WP7502. Upon repeated re-installation of the same application which gets GPS coordinates and sends it to UART port. I have no idea why this is happening can anyone help me with this ?


You need to be a bit more precise on what you are ding and how you are starting/stopping the GPS on the unit.

Also what firmware are you running on the unit?




Thanks for replying.
For some reason the GPS suddenly stopped working the board seems to be fine as I can load other applications but GPS coordinates arent comming.
1.I am not stopping the GPS manually
2. 3.14.29ltsi-961ca71325_ed9f616cc8 is the linux loaded on the device

This is the error Im getting now
3.May 25 11:42:15 | textloc[520]/textLocComponent T=main | textLoc.cpp getLocation() 141 | Checking GPS position
May 25 11:42:15 | textloc[520]/framework T=main | le_pos_client.c le_pos_Get2DLocation() 764 | Sending message to server and waiting for response : 0 bytes sent
May 25 11:42:15 | textloc[520]/textLocComponent T=main | textLoc.cpp getLocation() 190 | Failed to get reading… retrying in 1 seconds

4.This is the program in use

#include "interfaces.h"
#include "legato.h"
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
//#include "util.h"

// Used to convert GPS int to double
// Used for distance calculations
#define MIN_REQUIRED_HORIZ_ACCURACY_METRES 10  // TODO validate that this is realistic
#define POLL_PERIOD_SEC 2 * 60 // 2 minutes

static le_posCtrl_ActivationRef_t posCtrlRef;
static le_timer_Ref_t pollingTimer;
using namespace std;
int serial_fd;
static struct {
double lat;
double lon;
double horizAccuracy;
uint64_t datetime;
} lastReading;

 * Determine if we have a reading
 * (other things make factor in here down the road)
static bool hasReading() {
  return lastReading.datetime != 0;

 * Determine if we can provide an IPC caller
 * with a location
static bool canGetLocation() {
  return hasReading() && posCtrlRef != NULL;

 * IPC function to get location
le_result_t brnkl_gps_getCurrentLocation(double* latitude,
                                     double* longitude,
                                     double* horizontalAccuracy,
                                     uint64_t* readingTimestamp) {
  if (!canGetLocation()) {
    return LE_UNAVAILABLE;
  *latitude =;
  *longitude = lastReading.lon;
  *horizontalAccuracy = lastReading.horizAccuracy;
  *readingTimestamp = lastReading.datetime;
   return LE_OK;

 * Main polling function
* a more/less accurate fix is required
static int open_uart1(char *dev)
 int     fd;

 fd = open (dev, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);

  struct termios options;
  // The old way. Let's not change baud settings
  fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, 0);

  // get the parameters
  tcgetattr (fd, &options);

  // Set the baud rates to 115200...
   cfsetispeed(&options, B9600);
   cfsetospeed(&options, B9600);

  // Enable the receiver and set local mode...
  options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);

  // No parity (8N1):
  options.c_cflag &= ~PARENB;
  options.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;
  options.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;
  options.c_cflag |= CS8;

  // enable hardware flow control (CNEW_RTCCTS)
  // options.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
  // if(hw_handshake)
  // Disable the hardware flow control for use with mangOH RED
      options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;

  // set raw input
  options.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG);
  options.c_iflag &= ~(INLCR | ICRNL | IGNCR);

  // set raw output
  options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
  options.c_oflag &= ~OLCUC;
  options.c_oflag &= ~ONLRET;
  options.c_oflag &= ~ONOCR;
  options.c_oflag &= ~OCRNL;

  // Set the new options for the port...
  tcsetattr (fd, TCSANOW, &options);

 return fd;

 static void write_uart1 (int fd,char *cmd)
//	fd_set  rfds;
//	struct timeval timeout;
int     wrote = 0;
wrote = write (fd, cmd,strlen (cmd));
LE_INFO("wrote  %d ",wrote);

 static void getLocation(le_timer_Ref_t timerRef) {
  //char north='N';
 //char east='E';
 char mystring[512];
 //double lati;
 //double longi;
  std::string x_string0;
  std::string x_string1;
   std::string data("Loc: ");
  LE_DEBUG("Checking GPS position");
   int32_t rawLat, rawLon, rawHoriz;
   le_result_t result = le_pos_Get2DLocation(&rawLat, &rawLon, &rawHoriz);
  bool isAccurate = rawHoriz <= MIN_REQUIRED_HORIZ_ACCURACY_METRES;
  bool resOk = result == LE_OK;
  if (resOk && isAccurate) {
  double denom = powf(10, GPS_DECIMAL_SHIFT);  // divide by this = ((double)rawLat) / denom;
   lastReading.lon = ((double)rawLon) / denom;
   // no conversion required for horizontal accuracy
   //lastReading.horizAccuracy = (double)rawHoriz;
   //lastReading.datetime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
   LE_INFO("Got reading...");
   LE_INFO("lat: %f, long: %f, horiz: %f",, lastReading.lon, lastReading.horizAccuracy);
    le_timer_SetMsInterval(timerRef, POLL_PERIOD_SEC * 1000);
  } else {
   if (!isAccurate && resOk) {
  LE_INFO("Rejected for accuracy (%d m)", rawHoriz);
  double denom = powf(10, GPS_DECIMAL_SHIFT);  // divide by this = ((double)rawLat) / denom;
      lastReading.lon = ((double)rawLon) / denom;
      // no conversion required for horizontal accuracy
      //lastReading.horizAccuracy = (double)rawHoriz;
      //lastReading.datetime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
      LE_INFO("Got reading...");
      LE_INFO("%fN %fE , horiz: %f",, lastReading.lon, lastReading.horizAccuracy);
       le_timer_SetMsInterval(timerRef, POLL_PERIOD_SEC * 100);
       std::stringstream x_str;
       x_str <<;
       data += x_string0;
       data += "N";
       data += " ";
       std::stringstream x_strs;
       x_strs << lastReading.lon;
       data += x_string1;
       data += "E";
       data += " ";
       data += "\r\n";
      strcpy(mystring, data.c_str());
      write_uart1(serial_fd, mystring);
      LE_INFO("Sent via UART0");
    LE_INFO("Failed to get reading... retrying in %d seconds",
    le_timer_SetMsInterval(timerRef, RETRY_PERIOD_SEC * 100);

   * Perform all required setup
   * Note that we run this on a timer to avoid
   * blocking up the main (only) thread. If this
   * was run in a while(true) that sleeps,
   * the IPC caller would be blocked indefinitely
    static void gps_init() {
     posCtrlRef = le_posCtrl_Request();

char myvalue[256];
std::string devdata("/dev/ttyHS0");
strcpy(myvalue, devdata.c_str());
serial_fd = open_uart1(myvalue);
cout << serial_fd;
    LE_FATAL_IF(posCtrlRef == NULL, "Couldn't activate positioning");

    pollingTimer = le_timer_Create("GPS polling timer");
    le_timer_SetHandler(pollingTimer, getLocation);
    le_timer_SetRepeat(pollingTimer, 1);
    le_timer_SetMsInterval(pollingTimer, 0);
