Hi all,
in my application I want to play an audio stream for caller by the Q2686. The audio data is encoded with AMR…
Using the example from the document as base I tried the following code:
// audio resource handle
s32 handle;
// audio stream buffer
void * StreamBuffer;
// Low level interruption handler
bool MyLowLevelIRQHandler ( adl_irqID_e Source, adl_irqNotificationLevel_e Notification_Level, adl_irqEventData_t * Data )
// copy PCM sample to play
wm_strcpy( StreamBuffer, audio_data );
return FALSE;
// audio event call-back function
void MyAudioEventHandler ( s32 audioHandle, adl_audioEvents_e Event )
ascii TextBuffer[128] ;
wm_sprintf(TextBuffer, "Audio handle %d\r\n", Event) ;
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, TextBuffer);
void test()
ascii TextBuffer[128] ;
s32 Ret;
s32 BufferSize = AUDIO_DATA_SIZE;
bool MixedOption = FALSE;
adl_audioAmrCodecRate_e CodecRate = ADL_AUDIO_AMR_RATE_5_90;
// Subscribe to the current speaker
wm_sprintf(TextBuffer, "Audio handle %d\r\n", handle) ;
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, TextBuffer);
// Set Mixed voice option
Ret = adl_audioSetOption ( handle, ADL_AUDIO_AMR_MIXED_VOICE, &MixedOption );
wm_sprintf(TextBuffer, "Option %d\r\n", Ret) ;
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, TextBuffer);
// Set Codec Rate
Ret = adl_audioSetOption ( handle, ADL_AUDIO_AMR_SPEECH_CODEC_RATE, &CodecRate );
wm_sprintf(TextBuffer, "Option %d\r\n", Ret) ;
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, TextBuffer);
// Memory allocation
Ret = adl_audioSetOption ( handle, ADL_AUDIO_AMR_BUFFER_SIZE, &BufferSize );
wm_sprintf(TextBuffer, "Option %d\r\n", Ret) ;
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, TextBuffer);
StreamBuffer = adl_memGet( BufferSize ); // release memory after audio stream playing
// Play an audio AMR stream
Ret = adl_audioStreamPlay( handle, ADL_AUDIO_AMR, MyLowLevelIRQHandler, 0, StreamBuffer);
wm_sprintf(TextBuffer, "Play %d\r\n", Ret) ;
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, TextBuffer);
The resulting output is:
Audio handle 403451560
Option -2
Option -2
Option 0
Play -7
A call has been established by adl_callAnswer() and the ADL_CALL_EVENT_AUDIO_OPENNED and the ADL_CALL_EVENT_ANSWER_OK events were hit. Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?
Best regards