See: … .php?t=581
and: … -ericsson#
Now that Wavecom has purchased Sony-Ericsson’s M2M business, how about a category for Sony-Ericsson support?
See: … .php?t=581
and: … -ericsson#
Now that Wavecom has purchased Sony-Ericsson’s M2M business, how about a category for Sony-Ericsson support?
I second that! There is no support from Sony any more. We are still developing for the GT48 so it would be nice to have a discussion forum around this.
I note that the forum’s name has now been changed from “Open-AT Wavecom Developer Forum” to “Wavecom Developer Forum”
A lot of new sections have been added, but still nothing on Sony-Ericsson…
and posting still often gives this error:
I think SonyEricsson Gx4x section usefull for anyone currently use these modules…
I have many troubles with atach, start and activate pdp section for GPRS communication using these modules and one forum section will be great for exchange usefull information with others developers…
Thanks a lot, chrdcv