Simple TCP Client

I am sure that I am missing something quite simple, but could you tell me how to bring the Simple TCP Client example into Developer Studio and build it. Maybe I need a step by step guide or something.

I seem to be having problems with the WIP library, but when I try to connect to it. I set up the include path which seems to work fine, but for the library itself I get the following:

Description Resource Path Location Type
Link error: Software\com.wavecom.openat.ide.spm.lib.plugin.model.WIP.\resources\WIP\ARM_ELF_GCC_WIP.lib: No such file or directory testClient C/C++ Problem
Link error: Wireless\Embedded: No such file or directory testClient C/C++ Problem
Link error: Software\com.wavecom.openat.ide.spm.lib.plugin.model.WIP.\resources\WIP\ARM_ELF_GCC_WIPSoftLib.lib: No such file or directory testClient C/C++ Problem
Link error: Files\Sierra: No such file or directory testClient C/C++ Problem

I moved the libraries to a shorter path name to see better what was going on and I get this:

Description Resource Path Location Type
Link error: cannot find -lD:\SWworkspace\WIP\ARM_ELF_GCC_WIP.lib testClient C/C++ Problem

This appears to have a problem with the -l not being separated from the library location.

Any help will be appreciated.



in such case is restart from a clean install of the studio.
I will contact you separately,


Thank you, but please make the promised contact so I can get this up and running.

 I have re-installed studio, and now the build works and I am getting the simple 'Data Received' message expected.  I still would like to know in what cases I need to re-install studio.  Was it because I used Airvantage before?
