Full Disclosure: I’m a newbie to the Linux QMI SDK.
OK, using the Linux QMI SDK (version SLQS04.00.22, full version) and finding the ./pkgs/qa/qatesthostx86_64 program, I was able to determine my firmware was a couple of years behind. Executing test t601, I was able to see that I had the following:
Test Case 2 / 2 : All Valid
Return Code: 0 (0x0)
Return Reason: Success
SLQSGetFirmwareInfo Successful
Model Id: MC7455
Boot Version: SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06
Application Version: SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06
SKU Id: 1103170
Package Id:
Carrier: 1
PRI Version: 001.002
Current Carrier Name: GENERIC
Current Carrier Version: 002.026_000
loaded. I went to the “Download firmware” webpage and saw that the following was available for the 7455:
GENERIC->SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00(Firmware)->002.072_000(PRI) Linux Binaries
were available. Got them and used the ./SampleApps/MC7XXX_Image_Management application to upload the firmware ( a CWE file, using option 3 AND a NVU file, using option 4). Here’s what I get when executing the qatest program (test t601):
Test Case 2 / 2 : All Valid
Return Code: 0 (0x0)
Return Reason: Success
SLQSGetFirmwareInfo Successful
Model Id: MC7455
Boot Version: SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00
Application Version: SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00
SKU Id: 1103170
Package Id:
Carrier: 1
PRI Version: 001.002
Current Carrier Name: GENERIC
Current Carrier Version: 002.072_000
Everything LOOKS hunky dorey EXCEPT the “PRI Version” string that is set to 001.002 for before and after. How is this changed or updated? Help!
I just want to make sure that I’ve updated everything before I set out on a lengthy development effort. Sorry for all the extra info, just want to get the scenario all laid out before any answers are given. Thanks.