Sierra MC7455 Firmware Update, Specifically the "PRI Version:" String Question

Full Disclosure: I’m a newbie to the Linux QMI SDK.

OK, using the Linux QMI SDK (version SLQS04.00.22, full version) and finding the ./pkgs/qa/qatesthostx86_64 program, I was able to determine my firmware was a couple of years behind. Executing test t601, I was able to see that I had the following:

Test Case 2 / 2 : All Valid
Return Code: 0 (0x0)
Return Reason: Success
SLQSGetFirmwareInfo Successful
Model Id: MC7455
Boot Version: SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06
Application Version: SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06
SKU Id: 1103170
Package Id:
Carrier: 1
PRI Version: 001.002
Current Carrier Name: GENERIC
Current Carrier Version: 002.026_000

loaded. I went to the “Download firmware” webpage and saw that the following was available for the 7455:

GENERIC->SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00(Firmware)->002.072_000(PRI) Linux Binaries
were available. Got them and used the ./SampleApps/MC7XXX_Image_Management application to upload the firmware ( a CWE file, using option 3 AND a NVU file, using option 4). Here’s what I get when executing the qatest program (test t601):

Test Case 2 / 2 : All Valid
Return Code: 0 (0x0)
Return Reason: Success
SLQSGetFirmwareInfo Successful
Model Id: MC7455
Boot Version: SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00
Application Version: SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00
SKU Id: 1103170
Package Id:
Carrier: 1
PRI Version: 001.002
Current Carrier Name: GENERIC
Current Carrier Version: 002.072_000

Everything LOOKS hunky dorey EXCEPT the “PRI Version” string that is set to 001.002 for before and after. How is this changed or updated? Help!

I just want to make sure that I’ve updated everything before I set out on a lengthy development effort. Sorry for all the extra info, just want to get the scenario all laid out before any answers are given. Thanks.

Hi, your firmware update works great. The PRI version string 001.002 is the Sierra-provided SKU version. SKU version is never updated after a FW download. You can change it by AT command “AT!PRIID”. However, the change in SKU may introduce some unexpected behavior. Your module appears to be ready for further development.

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