Sample Apps unbuildable in MBPL SDK

I’ve downloaded both R20 and R21 versions of the MBPL_SDK package. There’s only a few source files in the SampleApps directory, and nothing seems buildable because required source and header files are missing. The readme files imply that things should be built in the pkgs directory and that the applications should be buildable in the SampleApps directories.

Is there a reason the necessary source files have been removed?

I check \MBPL_SDK_R20_ENG4-lite.bin\SampleApps\lite-qmi-connection-manager/makefile

_OBJ = displaysettings.o connectmgr.o ping.o netlink_util.o qmux_util.o proc_util.o
OBJ  := $(patsubst %, $(ODIR)%, $(_OBJ))
LIBS  = -l m -L ../../lite-qmux/lib/$(CPU)/ -l lite-qmux -L ../../lite-mbim/lib/$(CPU)/ -l lite-mbim -L ../../lite-qmi/lib/$(CPU)/ \
	-L ../../lite-common/lib/$(CPU)  -l lite-qmi -lpthread -lcommon
CFLAGS += -I ../../lite-qmi/inc -I ../../lite-qmux/inc -I ../../lite-mbim/inc -I ./inc -I ../common/inc -I ../../pkgs/common

Which files are missing on your side?

The SDK only has connectmgr.c. It doesn’t have displaysettings.c, ping.c, netlink_util.c, qmux_util.c or proc_util.c. Nor does it have these header files included in connectmgr.c: displaysettings.h, lite-qmi-demo.h, ping.h, netlink_util.h, dev_util.h, qmux_util.h, proc_util.h and str_util.h.

it will be fixed in future release.

Thank you. That will be great.