Rebrand DW5811e EM7455 to Lenovo

Hi Guys

I would appreciate any help to get my module working.

I have a DW5811e EM7455 module and I want to make it work in a Lenovo T560 laptop with Windows10. I don’t have a Dell laptop or a M.2 to USB adaptor, so what ever I do, I have to hot-plug the module into the lenovo laptop. I am doing it step by step to avoid accidental bricking of the module.

I have already found out that there is a whitelist in my laptop that doesn’t allow to boot up with the module connected to M.2 port and throws a 1802 error.

I have hot-plugged the module in windows 10 and found the below details in the device manager.

Other devices

I haven’t installed any drivers yet, so nothing related to Sierra under Ports (COM & LPT) and no Modem instance either, which is all fine. Now the first issue is, there are only 3 instances and not 4 instances (DM, NMEA, AT and MBIM) under “other devices” menu.

So I booted up ubuntu livedisc and hot-plugged it and checked the status of the usbcomp and it says current USB composition is 8.

Why am I not seeing 4 instances that will correspond to each of DM, NMEA, AT and MBIM under the “other devices” menu in Windows10?


Hi @anishjp,

The issue appears since you’ve used “DW5811e” Sierra Wireless LTE for DELL hot-plugged on Lenovo. As my opinion, the card is belongs to the OEM cards are obviously meant to be supported by Dell or Lenovo, and not directly by Sierra Wireless. This means that Sierra Wireless will refer you to Dell or Lenovo for support, and they will probably want to know the serial number of your laptop before they let you open any support case. If you buy a module via official channels then you will get support there too
Besides, I would like to share some solutions you can try:

Thanks Vianney. I can’t take it to Dell/Sierra/Lenovo as it was bought off market.

I am trying to change the PID/VID so it can work on my Lenovo. My first issue is not all 4 instances are not being shown in the device manager.

I have managed to rebrand DW5811e to lenovo. My laptop is no longer complaining about 1802 error.

how did you managed to convert from dell to lenovo. Please if you can, help. Thank you!

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Really annoying theres no feedback on solution. Im in same situation and no resolution yet.

How? This is a right pain and no solution posted?