RC7620-1 Modem connecting to a private network CEER errror 126 insufficient resources

When it does not work:

[2025-01-15 09:49:39.351] AT+KCNXTIMER=1,30,3
[2025-01-15 09:49:39.373] OK
[2025-01-15 09:49:39.580] AT+KCNXUP=1
[2025-01-15 09:49:39.646] OK
[2025-01-15 09:49:40.060] Waiting for registration to the network
[2025-01-15 09:49:40.183] AT+CREG?
[2025-01-15 09:49:40.240] +CREG: 2,2
[2025-01-15 09:49:40.240] 
[2025-01-15 09:49:40.240] OK
[2025-01-15 09:49:40.281] Searching for or connecting to network
[2025-01-15 09:49:40.286] Registered in 5 seconds
[2025-01-15 09:49:40.292] Waiting for PDP up URC...
[2025-01-15 09:49:41.484] 
[2025-01-15 09:49:41.487] +CREG: 1,"FFFE","3D2C8D",7
[2025-01-15 09:49:41.487] 
[2025-01-15 09:49:41.495] +CGREG: 1,"FFFE","3D2C8D",7
[2025-01-15 09:54:44.491] timeout waiting for PDP to go up after 304 seconds. time_passed=4003, new_timeout=0, loop counter:77
[2025-01-15 09:54:44.542] AT+CEER
[2025-01-15 09:54:44.576] +CEER: Insufficient Resources
[2025-01-15 09:54:44.576] 
[2025-01-15 09:54:44.576] OK
[2025-01-15 09:54:44.814] AT+KCNXDOWN=1,1
[2025-01-15 09:54:44.858] OK
[2025-01-15 09:55:46.654] timeout waiting for PDP to go down after 64 seconds. time_passed=4108, new_timeout=0
[2025-01-15 09:55:46.660] AT+CEER
[2025-01-15 09:55:46.665] +CEER: Insufficient Resources
[2025-01-15 09:55:46.684] 
[2025-01-15 09:55:46.684] OK
[2025-01-15 09:55:46.873] >
[2025-01-15 09:55:46.915] >>> Unable to raise PDP 

When it works:

[2025-01-15 09:48:14.525] Waiting for registration to the network
[2025-01-15 09:48:14.672] AT+CREG?
[2025-01-15 09:48:14.718] +CREG: 2,2
[2025-01-15 09:48:14.718] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:14.718] OK
[2025-01-15 09:48:14.785] Searching for or connecting to network
[2025-01-15 09:48:14.817] Registered in 5 seconds
[2025-01-15 09:48:14.817] Waiting for PDP up URC...
[2025-01-15 09:48:26.905] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:26.907] +CREG: 1,"FFFE","3D2C8D",7
[2025-01-15 09:48:26.910] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:26.912] +CGREG: 1,"FFFE","3D2C8D",7
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.227] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.230] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.230] +KCNX_IND: 1,4,1
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.230] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.272] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.274] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.274] +KCNX_IND: 1,1,0
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.274] PDP up in 24 seconds
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.277] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.277] AT+CGDCONT?
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.287] +CGDCONT: 1,"IP","iot.atvos.br","",0,0,0,0
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.295] +CGDCONT: 2,"IPV4V6","ims","",0,0,0,0
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.302] +CGDCONT: 3,"IPV4V6","sos","",0,0,0,1
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.305] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.322] OK
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.512] AT+CGPADDR=1
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.520] +CGPADDR: 1,
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.523] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.523] OK
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.865] > IP assigned by network:
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.865] AT+KCNXDOWN=1,1
[2025-01-15 09:48:44.887] OK
[2025-01-15 09:48:45.147] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:45.147] 
[2025-01-15 09:48:45.147] +KCNX_IND: 1,3
[2025-01-15 09:48:45.147] PDP down in 4 seconds

I am wondering what is the actual meaning of the CEER error 126: Insufficient resources?

I need to figure out if this is a modem issue or networking issue from the private network.

In NOK case, after “+CGREG: 1,“FFFE”,“3D2C8D”,7”, did the module get IP address in at+cgpaddr=1 ?

Did you also compare at!gstatus?

Are you using the latest firmware?

We cannot use the latest firmware for RC Modems because it has a serious issue when the UART goes to sleep after 5 seconds and we cannot disable that with AT+KSLEEP=2. That is even more complex. We asked for a special firmware where this feature is not disabled but no response, our solution only powers up the modem when needed and then shuts it down completely. So this sleep setting is important to us to disable as we do not use any power when modem is completely off.

[2025-01-15 09:49:35.704] Manufacturer of modem:  Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
[2025-01-15 09:49:35.738] Type of modem:          RC7620-1
[2025-01-15 09:49:35.738] Modem firmware version: SWI9X07H_00.03.03.00 2bb7a4 jenkins 2020/04/15 07:57:29

This is the only firmware that we can use that works with AT+KSLEEP=2.
Also we tried with latest firmware and running the test AT command every 3 or 4 seconds during the wait for registration and the wait for PDP UP URC, that did not improve the instability with this network.

What is the other recommended way to make sure the modem UART does not sleep when waiting for URCs that might take more than 5 seconds in the latest firmware?

We did not bother check the IP address as raising the PDP failed (No URCs received), from experience usually there is no IP assigned. The CEER error message would have been clear if there was no issue.

I will add at+cgpaddr=1 and at!gstatus in the code and make another log , just to get more information .

I remember AT+KSLEEP=2 should make the UART always awake
Did you test in dev kit?

Here is my test where I don’t see the UART goes to sleep mode:

+WDSI: 0

+WDSI: 9,35140480

+WDSI: 2

+KSUP: 0
Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Model: RC7620-1
Revision: SWI9X07H_00.08.44.07 2539f0 jenkins 2023/04/26 10:17:51
IMEI: 353635110212345
FSN: 7T118701512345


+CEREG: 0,1


+CEREG: 1,"652","1E5110D",7
+CREG: 0,1


+CREG: 0



+CREG: 2



+CREG: 1,"FFFE","1E5110C",7

+CGREG: 1,"FFFE","1E5110C",7

+CEREG: 1,"652","1E5110C",7

+CREG: 1,"FFFE","1E5110D",7

+CGREG: 1,"FFFE","1E5110D",7

+CEREG: 1,"652","1E5110D",7

+CMTI: "SM",10

+CMTI: "SM",11
Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Model: RC7620-1
Revision: SWI9X07H_00.08.44.07 2539f0 jenkins 2023/04/26 10:17:51
IMEI: 353635110244338
FSN: 7T1187015410B0


Is this the latest RC7620-1 firmware?
I see: SWI9X07H_00.08.07.00,LE=20.03.0.m1.ThreadX.rc41,CAPRI=GENERIC-001.081_000
on Airvantage

With this, the UART does go to sleep. We had updated through FOTA.

Where can we get the 08.44.07 version?

You can try R10


I tested the R10 firmware and it is fine, the UART does not go to sleep after 5 seconds, so no need to wake the modem. That is great, but I could not update through FOTA, only manually by downloading the .exe file and using the MangOH KIT.
When I got to AirVantage and select a registered system like:

IMEI/ESN: 353635110527922
Serial Number: 7T1523323203B0

in the install bundle drop-down there is only release 6.2 and release 8 (which is currently on this modem). Why is R10 not available on AirVantage. We can only update our remote stations through FOTA.

i can see R10 in AirVantage portal:

What version do you have in your system that you are trying to install bundle into here?
May be it not possible from this version:

Modem info

Brand Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Type RC7620-1
Firmware SWI9X07H_00.08.07.00 0ce4c1 jenkins 2021/03/17 02:18:20

I see it in the edit page though:

you can upgrade it to R10 manually and then see if it appears R10 in AVMS portal

You did not answer my query. Is there a prerequisite to installing that bundle? What version do you have in the system you were trying to update when you took the screenshot you shared?
The system I want to update is remote, I do not have it on my desk, how do I update it manually?

Then why you can update here?

The firmware of my module is already shown here

Let me be very clear:
I have one RC7620-1 modem and a mangOH KIT in the office, I tested manually updating this modem with R10 and it works.
The R10 however is not available on the platform for us to update other systems which are already deployed in the field abroad, which can only be updated remotely.

Your dashboard does not look exactly like mine. May be it is released internally, not yet for everyone?

If the firmware of your module is already R10, of what help is it to be able to update it??
Can you try installing the bundle for R8, same as I have and see if you can update it?

Then you can verify with the module in mangoh dev kit by registering it in AVMS portal

Forget the KIT and the manual method, I have verified that, the R10 works. How do we update the remote stations (that cannot be accessed manually) and are running R8 or R6, where the R10 is not showing up on the platform. I need help with the platform UI issue, not modems or KIT or manual update.

Kindly try on your side RC modem with older firmware upgrading to R10 and see if it show the same way.

Registering a modem with R10 already on the portal will not solve my problem. You keep insisting that. The remote systems do not have R10 already, how will that help?

That helps to understand whether your AVMs account has the R10 release !!!

If the answer is no, then you need to contact distributor to correct it

OK, in that case I will contact the distributor, seems they know more about our account. Thank you.

The result is the same for older firmware and R10 btw, not available.

Then probably this is account problem