Q2698 information

Hi there,

I am using the Q2686 at this moment.
I was reading the news about a new model in the Q-serie, the Q2698, also found on the Sierra website.

I am very interested in this Q2698, but there is not much information on the Sierra website and forum.
Does someone know if you can use the Q2698 to replace the Q2686 on a PCB without doing modifications?
(think of connector pins and electric current)



From the press release at http://www.sierrawireless.com/Newsroom/newsreleases/2012/05-02-2012-Sierra_Wireless_expands_options_for_3G_in_M2M_with_new_AirPrime_Q2698_embedded_module.aspx

Appears your hardware can stay the same, but I guess we will have to wait and see!

Thank you for your reply,

I have read texts like, footprint compatible etc. but that was not saying as much as I wanted.
I hope that soon information will be available on the Sierra website, and that the module becomes available.

Have you spoken to your Distributor or FAE :question:

Any news about availabilty of this modem? Our FAE…just dont know.


You mean your Sierra Wireless FAE; ie, a SiWi employee?

IF your FAE doesn’t know, then nobody knows - or, if they do know, they would not be allowed to post it on a forum!