Hi everybody,
I work with Q24plus module and i need to read every t time the state of GPIO_4.
BoutonPoussoir_Handler returns 5 and LectureEtat_BP was called evry 1s (with cyclic timer).
the fisrt call of this function produced this result : io_value = FFFFFFF8 and then there is no state changment when i set the GPIO_4 to 0.
can someone help me.
void IO_Subscribe ( void )
static u32 Mask;
TRACE_JRI ( TRACE_LEVEL_FCT, ">>> IO_Subscribe" );
BoutonPoussoir_Handler = adl_ioSubscribe(ADL_IO_Q24PLUS_GPIO_4, 0, 1, 0, NULL);
TRACE_JRI_3 (TRACE_LEVEL_TCPC, "Souscription I/O : %d !!!", BoutonPoussoir_Handler ) ;
if (BoutonPoussoir_Handler)
pG_timerPollingBP = adl_tmrSubscribe( TRUE, TIME_POLLING_BP, ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS, (adl_tmrHandler_t) LectureEtat_BP ) ;
TRACE_JRI ( TRACE_LEVEL_FCT, "<<< IO_Subscribe" );
void LectureEtat_BP( void ) // AM V307
s32 io_value;
TRACE_JRI ( TRACE_LEVEL_FCT, ">>> LectureEtat_BP" );
io_value = adl_ioRead(BoutonPoussoir_Handler);
//TRACE_JRI_3 (TRACE_LEVEL_TCPC, " Gpio Read Value : %.8X", io_value ) ;
//TRACE_JRI_3 (TRACE_LEVEL_TCPC, " Gpio Read >>> 4 : %.3X", ((u16)(gpio_result) >> 10) ) ;
if ((((u16)(io_value) >> 10) & (0x001)) == 0)
CompteurReset += 1;
TRACE_JRI_3 (TRACE_LEVEL_TCPC, " CompteurReset : %d", CompteurReset ) ;
if (CompteurReset < AttenteBuzOff) // si inferieur à 1 seconde
// arret buzzer
CompteurReset = 0;
// Reset du module
//enableWatchdogCC ( 0, 1, 0 ) ;
CompteurReset = 0;
TRACE_JRI ( TRACE_LEVEL_FCT, "<<< LectureEtat_BP" );
thanks in advance.