PPP over UART2 with WIP

Hi every one,
I am trying to start a UART bear but it is returning WIP_BERR_OK_INPROGRESS after 2 minutes i am getting WIP_BEV_CONN_FAILED event.

Please find below followed steps for stating UART bearer.

ret = wip_netInitOpts ( WIP_NET_OPT_END ); //getting success

bearerRet = wip_bearerOpen ( &br, “UART1”, cbEvhBearer, NULL ); //getting success

bearerRet = wip_bearerSetOpts ( br,
WIP_BOPT_IP_ADDR, localAddr,
WIP_BOPT_END ); //getting success

bearerRet = wip_bearerStart ( br ); // Returning WIP_BERR_OK_INPROGRESS.
After 2 minutes i am getting WIP_BEV_CONN_FAILED event.

I am struggling this issue last 1 month but still i am not able to resolve it. Please give me some suggestions it would be really helpful to me. Thanks for advance.

I am facing same issue even with UART2 also. I am working on SL8082BTA and firmware 6.54.1.A1.