Please tell me how to get the ”qcserial” driver described in the MBPL Dev. Guide (for Linux) provided by Sierra Wireless

I am trying to install the driver with the Software Integration and Development Guide (for Linux).
In the document, I found the following explanation.

  • Serial Interfaces: open source serial driver (qcserial)
  • Exposes 2 serial interfaces:
  • /dev/ttyUSB0, AT port
  • /dev/ttyUSB1, DM Port
    MBPL includes complete source code for both drivers.
    Build instructions for device drivers are located in the USB drivers source folder.
    However, I can’t find the source code for “qcserial” in the SDK files I downloaded.
    Could you please tell me where the ”Qcserial” driver source is located?

Hi akatagiri1977,

You can get Linux QMI Driver here Linux QMI Driver

Please help to tick “Solutions” if your question is answered.

Is this the correct link to the driver as it states on the QMI page

NOTE: This product is now EOL. Sierra Wireless recommends customers move to MBPL on supported modules.

But I do not see the driver in the MBPL package