Open a listening TCP Port & route packets to RS232

I type “leaf search”, I can see fx30 package:

I found it through the leaf extension in VS code & have installed it. Terminal still says command mksys not found
cmake seems to work but does not create the files needed (wrong compiler?)

I can build without problem:

What instruction are you using. I might not be getting it correct as I am trying to translate from the instructions

You can have a look on the instruction:

This does not answer my question. WHAT INSTRUCTION DID YOU USE TO MAKE IT WORK! Without this I am shooting in the dark - I do not even know if my environment is set up right. Right now I have too many possible problems, some of which I know I don’t know about

Example on compiling the helloworld app

i just follow the instruction here:

I cannot get it to create a new system. I get the error as per the attached screen shot

Then can you compile it in the next step?

I couldn’t compile the code. I am reinstalling the PC as I suspect i may have broken something & I am keen to start it fresh & run through the instructions again

I have reinstalled but still getting similar errors. This is when I try to compile:

seems the download of the package is not complete

Also you only need one package for one project, cannot be together with swi-fx30-catm_3.0.0 and swi-wp77_5.0.2

I have removed the swi-wp77_5.0.2 package & the above errors have now gone. I am getting new errors however

Do I need to set a “kit for workspace”? The only installed option makes no difference to this current error. I currently have it set to make a best guess

This shows the options for “kit for workspace”

i never used “kit for workspace”

did you see the package of:

ls /home/owner/LEAF/wp77/leaf-data/wp77/
fx30-catm-image fx30-catm-linux-image swi-vscode-support
fx30-catm-legato swi-fx30-catm wp77-modem-image
fx30-catm-legato-image swi-legato wp77-toolchain

No. I do not think I have seen these. Where would I find them if they are present. If they are not present, where do I get them? There is no LEAF directory in /home/owner/

It should be downloaded automatically when you click “Add to profile”

I have that one installed & imported to the Profile

can you search where you have installed the leaf package?

I think this is what you mean: