Open a listening TCP Port & route packets to RS232

Just re-reading the AT!MAPUART instruction in the at commands manual & 17,0 is right as it is uart1,uart2 & uart2 is disabled due to not being present

if you cannot make it work with nc tool, it won’t work with the legato application…

How do I compile & load the nc tool? It does not have a file extension & does not appear to open in Developer Studio. I had previously tried to just copy the file over & then run it without success

the nc tool is run in module, not developer studio!
There is no need to compile as it is just a binary

Was just re-reading your instructions above & I am not sure but it appears to be working. There was no failure response to netcat instruction but should I be able to talk over the connection? Which ports?

it depends on which TCP port you are opening:
/tmp/nc -l -p 1234 → port 1234 as TCP server

I used the line as it is further up - port 1234. Is the letter after nc - an uppercase i or a lower case L?

OK, I copied & paste the line to make sure it is right. I can now talk between the ssh session & the pc terminal

it is lower case L…

Yes I saw that after pasting it into terminal - it differentiates I and l better. It is down to the font used. May be Sierra Wireless should review the font used on the forum as it can be confusing!

BTW, you can also read the help menu:

root@fx30:~# /tmp/nc -h
connect to somewhere:	nc [-options] hostname port[s] [ports] ... 
listen for inbound:	nc -l -p port [-options] [hostname] [port]
	-g gateway		source-routing hop point[s], up to 8
	-G num			source-routing pointer: 4, 8, 12, ...
	-h			this cruft
	-i secs			delay interval for lines sent, ports scanned
	-l			listen mode, for inbound connects
	-n			numeric-only IP addresses, no DNS
	-o file			hex dump of traffic
	-p port			local port number
	-r			randomize local and remote ports
	-s addr			local source address
	-u			UDP mode
	-v			verbose [use twice to be more verbose]
	-w secs			timeout for connects and final net reads
	-z			zero-I/O mode [used for scanning]
port numbers can be individual or ranges: lo-hi [inclusive]

As I said at the beginning, I am new to this & little tips like this escape me at times. I do thank you for your patients with me!
Now how do I go about getting the UART TCP Server code working? Could I be compiling & loading it incorrectly? I do see that Developer Studio is no longer supported

you mean your PC can communicate with the nc tool in module via TCP communication on port 1234?

Another thought, should I update the firmware?
Yours is:
Firmware Version: SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00
Mine is:
Firmware Version: SWI9X06Y_02.36.02.00

Yes it can - I can type in text on one terminal (either ssh or pc side) & get the text at the other end once I press . This works both ways

Developer studio is end of life, you need to use “leaf + VSCode” to compile application

You can follow the instruction here:

The instructions are not clear to a non-linux user. They assume a level of knowledge that I do not have. All I get are errors when I try to run the terminal instructions to compile the code. I assume I have the environment set up correctly as this is also not clear to someone coming into the linux ecosystem. Are there detailed instructions anywhere that are explicit for someone who knows absolutely nothing about this?

mksys does not seem to work, terminal says it is not found. Is there anywhere special that I have to run the command?
I am trying to use it as follows:
mksys -t wp77 Legato_System.sdef
Where Legato_System is name of my .sdef file - trying to interpret the instructions here

have you downloaded the package for fx30? (e.g. swi-fx30-catm_3.0.0 )
Have you tried to compiled the application in vscode?

No, I have downloaded the swi-wp77_5.0.2 package. I have not seen anywhere to download a fx30 package. I’ll look for it now.