Missing include files such as ed_common.h

Where will I find the following include files?

#include “ed_msgcodes.h”
#include “ed_dialup.h”
#include “ed_gprs.h”
#include “ed_socket.h”
#include “ed_udpsocket.h”
#include “ed_common.h”

I am using:
Fastrack Supreme Firmware R71a01
Environment 2.20
TMT Version
TE Version

I am trying to use the Application Note:
Auto TCP Socket data connection

Many thanks

I think you’ll find that they’re for the old edlib plugin - the predecessor of WIP.

edlib was superseded before the Supreme was released -so they’re no use to you. :frowning:

Unfortunately, the entire App Notes section seems to be hopelessly out of date! :angry: