MC7710 GPS week rollover

Hi everybody,

I have an MC7710 with the latest firmware (SWI9200X_03.05.29.03ap) installed in a Linux embedded system. LTE is working without issues. However, the GPS data received from the device appears to be affected by GPS week rollover. The date is of by 7168 days which is 1024 weeks. The time is correct, however. Is there any possibility to fix the date emitted by the NMEA sentences?

Hi @schneimax,

Unfortunately it seems MC7710 is in the list of unsupported devices for the fix of GPS week number rollover. You may need to consider for a replacement based on this statement:

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Thanks for your response. I already got the impression that the GPS week rollover will be unsupported for MC7710. Your statement adds more confidence to this. Siince upgrading to new devices is difficult for their actual use case, I configured the NTP daemon using the device to add an offset to the reported times/dates. This works quite fine, although a device that would spill out the correct dates would be preferable.