I have been trying to compile and integrating the RIL for Android Oreo, installed in a INFORCE 6640SBC board.
I was reading the RIL documentation, but some information are very confused.
First of all, I would like to know how to compile this RIL file on Ubuntu 18.04.
I am supposing that it is necessary to use the Android NDK r17( for creating a toolchain and using it for compiling the RIL.
Creating the ./android-ndk-r17c/build/tools/ --arch arm64 --install-dir ./arm64
I used the compiler prefix arm64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
There is a Makefile in ‘/kernel/hikey-linaro/drivers/net/usb/’, but is a Makefile without target. So, when I run “make”, nothing happens.
Second, I would like to know how to integrate it. The RIL integration guide says “Copy to appropriate path” but do not say which are. I suppose is different for each plataform, but I am not sure.
Finally, after that, I would like to know the android commands for connecting my Android BSP to the Internet using the Sierra module (I already have the simcard).
Obs: when I type ‘dmesg | grep Sierra’ on adb shell, I could see that the board ‘knows’ that there is a sierra module connected at USB.
If somebody could help me, I will be very thankful. If anybody provide the step-by-step for creating the “.ko” files for android considering any platform, I suppose I can modify and using it for mine.