MC7304 self-resets after connect and pushing some data over it

I am using 4x MC7304 (Firmware revision: SWI9X15C_05.05.61.00 r28313 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2015/05/21 23:40:18) installed in Vecow IVH-9008, using Debian Stretch (kernel 4.9.78) and controlled by ModemManager (1.6.4)

One modem self-resets every time after connecting and pushing some data over it (pings).
It is 100% reproducible. In the kernel logs I see the modem disconnects from USB bus only, none suspicious errors.

Is someone else seeing this problem?


What carrier/network operator are you on?
Please load the latest firmware if not on vodaphone.

Modemmanager might need to be blacklisted is using the Linux QMI SDK APIs.
Are you using the SDK or other QMI APIs?
