Location plugin + PCM stream in R7.52

We are using the Q2687RD + XM0110 over the I2C bus.

After upgrading to R7.52 firmware (from 7.46) we are finding a problem with the location library when the PCM
audio stream is active

The GPS stops producing the events very soon after start up, usually right after fixing the position it is followed by an GPS_ABORT_EVENT

When the PCM stream is not running this problem is not observed and it all works OK.

I have attached a zip file with a simple demo project that peoduces the problems we have found.

Sometime we find messages in Backtraces which are always different, here are some of them

Except RTX: task ASE, software watchdog reset, caller = 0x175d
Unknown function (4e414)
Unknown function (3196b)
Unknown function (31a09)
Unknown function (34fd7)
Unknown function (34b5d)
Unknown function (34fab)
Unknown function (175d)
Unknown function (59bcb)
Unknown function (59d7b)
Unknown function (3350)
Unknown function (55555555)

Except RTX: task IDLE, bad memory access by 0x36DE
Unknown function (36de)
Unknown function (55555555)

Internal panic: task AEE, internal Kernel corruption from 0x940, error code = 1
Unknown function (4e414)
Unknown function (3196b)
Unknown function (31a09)
Unknown function (349bb)
Unknown function (34973)
Unknown function (940)
Unknown function (c5c)
Unknown function (22337)
Unknown function (1de241)
Unknown function (1de01b)

Except RTX: task V24, bad memory access by 0x50E9C
Unknown function (50e9c)
Unknown function (3a159)
Unknown function (3acb7)
Unknown function (506f9)
Unknown function (203a4)

We did not spot this problem with 7.46 firmware, although 7.51 has the same issue

Just in case the version information is:
“DWL”,“V10c05”,"",“Sierra Wireless”,62640,“051513 10:45”,“a0836b50”,“00010000”
Wireless”,673436,“062613 08:37”,“89796368”,“001d0000”
“MODEM”,“1.3.36”,“201306260837.Q2687RD”,“Sierra Wireless”,1713240,“062613
“OAT”,“”,“SimpleSample Sample”,“RSI”,955292,“030514
-“Developer Studio”,“”
-“Open AT Application Framework package”,“”
-“Open AT OS Package”,“”
-“Firmware Package”,“”
-“Location Library Package”,“”
-“Internet Library Package”,“”
GPS&PCM.zip (14.6 KB)