IPSec Connection Between Static IP Fortigate Firewall and Dynamic IP AirLink LX60

Has anyone successfully setup an ipsec vpn tunnel between a fortigate Firewall with a public static IP address and Sierra Airlink LX60. I have tried various configurations with no success. Can’t even get past phase one. Getting lots of mixed messages from both vendors. Looking to connect many remote sites to a central fortigate firewall via the Sierra products if I can just find the correct configuration for each device.

I have several in use. Both the Fortigate and LX40’s and 50’s deployed have static addresses. Cost for the static on the cellular side used to be expensive but it’s lower now. At least for ATT.

On the Foritgate, I used the GUI wizard:
Setup as Site to site
No NAT used
Remote device set as Fortigate
Entered the static address of the LX with a preshared key. …Done.

LX side after setting up the modem with the static address and confirming connectivity:
VPN1- IPsec tunnel
Client mode selected
enter addresses
Other settings left at default except for:
Enabled PFS
Entered preshare key
identity type left at IP

I think I left the IKE settings at default but if you get this far and it fails let me know and I will locate my notes or remote into one to verify.