Hi all !
I’m starting with OpenAT 3.04 on Q2501B (6.52a) and i need your help !!
After reading tons of documentation and posts about A&D topics, i still cant use properly this memory…
What i do in my application :
I subscribe to adl_adSubscribe to get the handle (return code is 0, which should be OK)
I write in the cell with adl_adWrite, the result code is still OK (i’ve tried to put char* or int* as third parameter)
I finalise the cell
Then i try to read the content of data in the adl_adInfo_t structure depending on the data type i put in with an appropriate cast (return code is OK). By the way, the size field of Info is correct according to data i’ve tried to store…
I display the content of data with adl_atSendResponse
I format and recompact the cells before ending my application (return code is OK)
My problem :
All the bits in the memory are “1”…looks like i did never write anything in the A&D cell… so if i read characters (char), i obtain an “ÿ” for every char (0xFF) and if i read integers (int) i get 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) for every int !
I’m running the application in remote mode with VC++ 6 and i’ve no idea of what the problem is or what i’m doing wrong… And u ?
Thanks in advance !