How to interpret the data received from NTP server via UDP session?

I am looking for some help in interpreting the data received from +KUDP_DATA (unsolicited notification).
I configured BX310X (v.2.7.3) module as client and setup a UDP connection to send a client request to NTP server, in order to receive a timestamp.

UDP Configuration:
cnx_cnf : left blank
mode : 0 - client, 1 - server
udp port : assigned 0
data mode: 0 (Default) — Do not display in URC, 1 — Display in URC

AT+KUDPSND=<udp_session_id>,<udp_remote_address>,<udp_remote_port>, //NTP server address and Port
udp_remote_address =
udp_remote_port = 123

Communication between BX310X module and NTP server:
Tx>> AT+KUDPCFG=,0,0,0

+KUDPCFG: 1,0,0,0

Tx>> AT+KUDPSND=1,,123,"\1b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,48"
+KUDP_DATA: 1,48,“”,123,0ç

The time request packet is of 48 bytes which has been sent successfully and received a response of 48 bytes from NTP server (Reference for NTP client Time request packet is here).
My question is how to process this received data in order to put it in desired timestamp format.

From the user manual, I could see:
+KUDP_DATA: <udp_session_id>, <ndata_available>, <udp_remote_address>, <udp_remote_port>, data
where, data (UDP data packet received)
• Data in octet format (raw bytes, no encoding)

Kindly let me know how can I read this received data, or please inform if I have missed out something in configuration.
Thank you very much in advance.

What is the problem on using +kudp_data

From the user manual, +KUDP_DATA notification is seen when data is available in the receive buffer (i.e. notification is seen when received response from NTP server, in my case).

From the response +KUDP_DATA: 1,48,“”,123,0ç
received data: 0ç
received data size: 48 bytes

I am not able to get the readable data or in other words, process the received data to get a readable format.

Seems same issue as this one?

Thank you for providing reference. From the issue you have mentioned, I am not sure how they have decoded the data.
However, similar to that I am receiving certain amount of data (48 bytes) and the first byte observed is 0.

you can try the beta version of 2.7.3 sent to your email box.

Thank you for your response! I tried updating to beta version, I am getting “+FOTA: 15” as response, indicating upgrade failed.

You should use uart to upgrade

Thank you very much for your help and support, will check it out and update ASAP!