HL7845 does not enter the hibernate mode


We are trying to measure the power consumption of HL7845 in different operational modes using HL78xx Development Kit and an accurate current profiler. To measure the lowest power consumption, we request PSM and then try to make the module enter the hibernate mode. More precisely, we give AT+CPSMS=1,“11011111”,“00001010” followed by AT+KSLEEP=1,2. MME accepts the PSM request and after 20 s, the module returns +CEREG:4 and enters the PSM dormant state. However, it seems that the module does not enter the hibernate state. The current consumption does not drop as expected (see the attached current profile) and the module still responds to AT commands. We are running the module firmware version 5.4.5. The wake-up switch on the development kit is set to OFF. We have tried to set AT+KSLEEP=1,2 both while the device is in PSM active and PSM dormant with the same effect, i.e. not entering the hibernate mode.

Should the hibernate be working with 5.4.5 FW? Unfortunately, we are having some issues with upgrading to the latest FW version (see HL7845 firmware upgrade to fails - #4 by olli.apilo)

Thanks for any help,

Hi @olli.apilo,

I have found a similar issue described as “High consumption in hibernation” in the HL7845 Customer Release Note for firmware 5.4.10.
This issue has been fixed in firmware, so please update that firmware for HL7845 and recheck whether the issue is resolved.


Thanks for the reply,

I’ll try firmware, but where can I find it? It seems that the latest release from source.sierrawireless.com is (https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airprime/software/hl781x-and-hl7845-firmware/hl781x-and-hl7845-firmware/#sthash.iJtcS3Am.cokT6ICy.dpbs).

Best regards,

Hi @olli.apilo,

Currently, firmware for HL7845 has not been made public on the source page. Please kindly wait for further updates.


Thanks, we will wait for the next FW release for HL7845.

Best regards,