I have the HL7810 (ATi3 response = HL7810. and I cannot get a TCP connection to my socket server. I’ve checked the following items:
- CSQ = 26,99
- Server IP address and port number are correct and server socket is checked
- “AT+CGPADDR” returns: “+CGPADDR: 1,“” +CGPADDR: 2”
- “AT+CGACT?” returns “+CGACT: 1,1”
- “AT+KTCPCFG?” returns “+KTCPCFG: 1,0,1,0,“nn.nnn.nn.nnn”,pppp,41302,0,0,0,0,0” (where nn is the correct IP-address and pppp is the correct port number to my socket server)
My modem initialisation (in an embedded system) uses the following communication:
- Wait for: +CEREG: 1,“”
- “ATE0” returns “ATE0”
- “ATi3” returns “HL7810.” & “OK”
- “AT+CMEE=1” returns “OK”
- “AT&K3” returns “OK”
- “AT+CPIN?” returns “+CPIN: READ” & “OK”
- “AT+CCID?” returns “+CCID: ” & “OK”
- “AT+KCNXCFG=1,“GPRS”,“apn-name”,”" returns “OK”
- “AT+KTC{CFG=1,0,”,8050" returns “+KTCPCFG: 1” & “OK”
- “AT+KTCPCNX=1” returns “+CME ERROR: 921”
Am I missing something for the modem initialisation? And are there other possible causes for the CME ERROR: 921?