HL7800 USB support

Does anyone knows availability date of USB support for HL7800?

Hi kristaps,

It is already avaiable in FW 3.3.2 .
Please follow the instruction in the release note for USB activation:
Configuration on CLI port:
config -s manager.USB.enabled true
config -s manager.uartMapping.AT_PPP_AUX ACM0

Thanks for fast reply!
HL7800 Techincal Specification from May 08, 2019 still says “This interface will be available in a future firmware release” so I thought it is not available.

I could not find release notes for HL7800. Where should I look for latest documents?
I used this place: https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/#tags=HL7800

Hi Kirisaps,

Sorry the offical release note is not avaiable yet.
I copy the part here from our internal one:

USB activation:
To activate USB please enter “config -s manager.USB.enabled true” on CLI port
To link AT port with USB please enter “config -s manager.uartMapping.AT_PPP_AUX ACM0”
(to unlink it to find again AT command with UART1 port please enter “config -s manager.uartMapping.AT_PPP_AUX B”)

Thanks again for your help.

I also can’t find information about firmware update.
Is firmware updatable by user?

Can USB be used as only communication way without using UART at all if we configure USB mode at time of product assembly?

Normally new FW is updatable but before that please provide your result ATI9, AT+KGSN=2(IMEI), AT+KGSN=3(FSN).

Yes. Youu can set USB ONLY without UART1 at all by (AT+KUSBCOMP=1.
(debug port UART0 is not impacted)

Here’s the syntax:AirPrime - HL78xx - AT Commands Interface Guide - Rev8.1.pdf (1.9 MB)
USB mode config
0 USB disabled (default)
1 3 CDC-ACM mode (PID: 0xC001)
USB-ACM0 - AT/PPP port
USB-ACM1 - PPP data port
USB-ACM2 - NMEA data port
The configuration is kept in flash.
New configuration will only be activated after module reboots.

What will be the default configuration of the HL7800? Will it be USB or Serial? If I wish to operate the HL7800 in USB mode, do I also need to have the serial port connected so configuration AT commands can be sent to the module? I would prefer not to have to implement a serial port as well is the USB interface.

By default, USB is disabled.
You can change +KUSBCOMP in debug port as well.

Hello @Sierra_klin2,

We are developing around an HL7800 for an early 2021 release and would like to make sure we have the latest information on this USB subject. For reference we are using 41113770 AirPrime HL780x Product Technical Specification r3.pdf and AirPrime - HL78xx - AT Commands Interface Guide - Rev12.pdf.

For new-device bringup in production, does an HL7800 module need to have the USB port enabled in order to act as the application interface?

You also mentioned using the debug port for +KUSBCOMP. Can you provide more details about this, and which port (UART0 CLI, UART3 MLI)?

Also, any additional information you think might help would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your answers.


Not sure what the question is. It depends what you want to do in production? Are you wanting to use the AT commands to test the unit out i.e. AT+CPIN? to see if the SIM interface is working, at+wmtxpower to power the transmitter up, etc?

Essentially you need to be able to communicate with the unit, whether that is over USB or UART (the AT command interface, so UART1) it is up to to you and how your setup works.

Also note re the original question you can only have USB or UART active, they cannot be active at the same time so if you switch interfaces make sure you have access to the one that you are making the active. We have had customers accidentally switch to USB with the unit mounted on their board but have not pinned it out meaning you cannot switch it back again.

