I am using HL7800 with AT&T sim. modem FW version is M.1.7.15. All the AT commands seems to be working. Network connection and cloud connection seems to be fine.
However, “AT+KTCPSTAT?” and “AT+KTCPSTAT=session id” always returns ERROR.
This AT command should return the socket status and the number of received bytes in the modem rx buffer. Socket is opened and running as I am able to connect to AWS and publish packets through MQTT.
Could this be an issue with the modem firmware?
Please find below the modem response for “ATI9” command -
AT Resp: ATI9
2019/01/25 14:13:05
IMEI-SV: 3594160956079801
Legato RTOS: 18.04.2.ALT1250.rc19 2018/11/26 12:55:45
atSwi: 07.13
UBOOT: 01.03
Apps: RKAPP_02_00_00_00_75__bc1a6e4d8f59d38