HL78 AT+GNSSNMEA=4 datamode shows nothing on terminal

when I use AT+GNSSNMEA=4 datamode shows nothing on terminal. I have usb connected to uart 1 and I perform the commands as follows: AT+GNSSNMEA=0,1000,0,73 first, then AT+GNSSSTART=0, and lastly AT+GNSSNMEA=4. Once the terminal prints connect nothing then appears.

It is very weird as I have seen it print out gps information in the past. I am not sure if the datamode is still on a session or what. I use +++ when I try to exit out. However sometimes that does not work and I have to made a hard reset on the device so I am not sure if maybe that messed with the datamode since it did not properly escape in the past.

Any suggestions? my current software version is 5.4.12 when I use the ati8 command.

Hi @lsmtech,

Please refer to pages 2 and 3 of the AirPrime HL78xx GNSS Behavior document at the following link for GNSS Operational: AirPrime - HL78xx - GNSS Behavior

The GNSS receiver and LTE/GSM receiver share the same RF resources, therefore GNSS can only be used when the module is not actively connected on LTE/GSM.


Hey jerdung,

Thanks for the link. Sorry for the late response but the document did not seem to work for me. It said that AT+GNSSSTART=0 would return * “+GNSSEV: 1,0” if gnss could not activate. However when I used the command the 2 responses below is what I get.
+GNSSEV: 0,1
+GNSSEV: 1,1
So I think that my lte is not affecting my gps. However the AT+GNSSNMEA=4 is still causing issues with datamode not printing out anything, nor do I get any response when using “+++” command.

perhaps it is my firm ware. Is there a way to update the firmware using Mac OS?