I’m trying to set up the GPIO for the pins on the power connector (GPIO 21 and 25) on a Wavecom Fastrack Supreme, product type Q2687G. I’m using the command:
I’m using M2M Studio 1.0 and my Build Version is, it seems the Open AT OS version may be v06.30
What are the new & old versions of ioSubscribe? I know it’s not ideal but perhaps I could try both to see which works.
You need to ensure that you have the correct version of the ADL User Guide - and follow what that tells you!
The correct version of the ADL User Guide will be the one that says, “ADL User Guide for Open AT OS v6.30” on the cover page.
You also, of course, need the correct version of SDK.
If your SDK contains the correct version of the ADL User Guide, then it will be the correct version of SDK, and will contain the correct versions of the samples…