Hello_World project cannot be Downloaded


I would like to run a Hello_World project on communication unit. But, I can’t download it to communication unit.

Developer Studio : version 2.3.0
LSI of communication unit : SL8084T
Communication unit : AX8084NE

File > New > Open AT Project and choosing Auto detection on Hardware Confituration, SL808XT is detected by Auto detection, but a check box cannot be checked.
So, I selected SL608X of User selection, and I selected hello_world in Sample selection, and created project and download.
But the following messages was displayed.

The Open AT application you’re about to download (Hello_World) has been built for one of the following modules:

  • Q268X
  • SL608X
  • WMP100
  • WMP150
  • WMP50
    It is not compatible with the target module type: SL808XT
    Are you sure you want to continue to download this application?

I ignored it, but following message are displayed and failed to donwload Hello_World project.

Download file Hello_World.dwl to port COM1, reload infomations and check => ERROR : Time
out: 20000ms

See ‘Details’ for more information.
[ OK ] [ << Details]

How to run Hello_World puroject on communication unit?
The details of an error are the following.

Download file Hello_World.dwl to port COM1, reload informations and check => ERROR: Time out: 20000ms
Download file Hello_World.dwl to port COM1, reload informations and check => ERROR: Time out: 20000ms
Open port COM1 => DONE: Port opened
Open port COM1 => DONE: Port opened
Waiting for module detection => DONE: Target detected sn:CEH0253061930 baudrate:115200
Switch to Development mode and check => ERROR: An error ocurred during HAPC AT test
Switch to Development mode => DONE: Success
Pause : 300 milliseconds => DONE: Success
Switch to Development mode and check => DONE: Success
Switch to Development mode => DONE: Success
Pause : 300 milliseconds => DONE: Success
Check dev mode unlocked => DONE: Success
Enable persistent development mode => DONE: Success
DWL File parsing => DONE: Success
Load model element: Target Informations => DONE: Target Informations received: [dwlBean=buildDate=2012/11/19 16:06:52, version=S4_1_0_7BT R1431 CNSZXD00000155, , fwBean=size=1670256, buildDate=121712 14:35, version=R7.50.0.A1.201212171435, checksum=1687021857, startAddress=268443680, modemBean=buildDate=2012/11/19 16:06:52, version=Revision: S4_1_0_7AP R1431 CNSZXD00000155, , appBean=size=303248, buildDate=120312 16:07, version=v1.20A1, checksum=-1357510048, startAddress=275775488 components={Developer Studio=, Firmware Package=7.50.0.A1.201211280915, Open AT OS Package=6.50.0.A1.201211271056}, name=Extended AT Application, companyName=Sierra Wireless, , totalRAMSize=0, totalFlashSize=0, maxOatAppFlashSize=14680064, maxADFlashSize=0, appStarted=true, localPortID=1, SL808Fx, SL8084T, , true, 1234]
Check pre-condition before download => DONE: Success
Check if the Open AT area size is enough => DONE: Success
Check application overwrites the current flash mapping => DONE: No flash mapping
Check total flash size of the Open AT application => DONE: Success
Check if the file already has been downloaded on target => DONE: File is different from the target one.
Check start addresses => DONE: Success
Check memory size => DONE: Success
Copy DWL file Hello_World.dwl to temporary path => DONE: Success
Download file Hello_World.dwl to port COM1 => DONE: Success
Load informations from target => ERROR: Time out: 20000ms


For downloading open AT application on SL808XT,application needs to be built with appropriate framework.

Framework for SL8 modules is different from Q series,wmp and SL6087 modules .That is the reason that module is not getting detected as SL808X module.

Please follow this link :



Thank you very much for answering.
It works.

Please tell me, if you don’t mind.
Following URL is beta version package repository.
updatesite.sierrawireless.com/pa … gramsl808x

Do you know URL that is not beta version?

This link no longer works. Does anyone have a link to it, or a later equivalent, that does work?

The link is to be added as a package repository inside Dev Studio. You’re not meant to browse there normally.

Thanks, I didn’t spot that… oops!

Got it now :slight_smile: