There is an inverter at GPIO24. Note, in Figure 3-4 of the User Manual, there is a bubble at GPIO24, though it’s not obvious. I’ll make a note to update the User Guide.
Hi Saleh,
thanks for your explanation. That’s exactly what I mean.
cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/value returns “0” independent of the state of the switch (opened or closed).
This is for as big problem.
GPIO24 always 0
4 years later, and this is still a problem? I’m running R15 on FX30.
Like the original post, the following command returns “0” whether or not I connect/disconnect power to PIN3.
cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/value
My intention was to include Legato code that monitored PIN24, to report “last-gasp” message when power went off. I spent hours writing the code, only to find PIN24 doesn’t actually change.